Source code for hwtLib.abstract.debug_bus_monitor

import json
from math import ceil
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Union, Dict

from hwt.code import If
from hwt.code_utils import rename_signal
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.interfaces.intf_map import IntfMap, HTypeFromIntfMap
from hwt.interfaces.structIntf import Interface_to_HdlType
from hwt.interfaces.utils import addClkRstn, propagateClkRstn
from hwt.synthesizer.hObjList import HObjList
from hwt.synthesizer.interface import Interface
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases import InterfaceBase
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from hwtLib.abstract.monitorIntf import monitor_of, connect_MonitorIntf, \
    connect_to_MonitorIntf, MonitorIntfVldSyncedCdc

[docs]class DebugBusMonitorDataRecord():
[docs] def __init__(self, intf: Interface, name: str, cdc: bool, trigger: RtlSignal, add_reg: bool): self.parent = None self.intf = intf = name self.cdc = cdc self.trigger = trigger self.add_reg = add_reg self.successors: List[DebugBusMonitorDataRecord] = [] self.children: List[DebugBusMonitorDataRecord] = []
[docs] def add_children(self, c: "DebugBusMonitorDataRecord"): c.parent = self self.children.append(c)
[docs] def is_visual_only(self): return self.intf is None
[docs]class DebugBusMonitor(Unit): """ This component is similar to ILA/ChipScope/SignalTAP but it is not connected to internal JTAG, but to a specified interface. This component generates an address decoder and connect all specified interfaces to a service bus. It also stores the names and bit widths of original interfaces in a ROM in order to display them later in test application. This component also supports for snapshots of values by a generic trigger method, transaction counters etc. :note: addressspace size depends on how much data is actually monitored. But it has fixed structure. .. code-block: c struct address_space { // value 0 means the name memory is explicitly dissabled uint32_t meta_memory_size; uint32_t meta_memory_offset; // offsetof(address_space, data) // n can be resolved from content of meta_memory // as well as structure of data_memory uint8_t data_memory[n]; // padding to size 2**x char meta_memory[meta_memory_size]; // contains a JSON with data info (if ADD_META_MEMORY) }; Example of meta_memory JSON format: .. code-block: javascript { "p0": { "c0": [0, 16], // signal p0.c0 is stored in data_memory[0:2] "c1": [16, 16], // signal p0.c0 is stored in data_memory[2:4] }, "p1": [32, 1], //signal p1 is stored in data_memory[5] bit 0 "p2": [33, 1], //signal p1 is stored in data_memory[5] bit 1 } """
[docs] def __init__(self, bus_cls, bus_endpoint_cls): self._bus_cls = bus_cls self._bus_endpoint_cls = bus_endpoint_cls self.io_instantiated = False self.visual_containers: Dict[Union[Unit, Interface]] = {} super(DebugBusMonitor, self).__init__()
def _config(self): self._bus_cls._config(self) self.monitored_data: List[DebugBusMonitorDataRecord] = [] self.ADD_META_MEMORY: bool = Param(True)
[docs] def register(self, intf: Interface, name: Optional[str]=None, cdc: bool=False, trigger: Optional[RtlSignal]=None, add_reg: bool=False): """ :param intf: an interface to monitor :param name: name override :param cdc: if True instantiate Clock domain crossing to synchronize input data to clock domain of this component :param trigger: an optional signal which triggers the snapshot of this interface :note: if cdc is set to True the trigger has to be synchonezed to a clock clock domain of intf :param add_reg: if True an register is added between input and bus interface """ assert not self.io_instantiated if name is None: if isinstance(intf, InterfaceBase): name = intf._getHdlName() else: name = d = DebugBusMonitorDataRecord(intf, name, cdc, trigger, add_reg) self.monitored_data.append(d) return d
def _declr(self): addClkRstn(self) with self._paramsShared(): self.s = self._bus_cls() # declare an interface with same signals but all inputs for each # monitored interface self.monitor = HObjList([ monitor_of(d.intf) for d in self.monitored_data if not d.is_visual_only() ]) self.io_instantiated = True def _impl(self): if self.ADD_META_MEMORY: meta_memory, meta_memory_size, name_content_size = \ self.build_meta_memory(self.monitored_data) else: name_content_size = 0 const_uint32_t = Bits(32, signed=False, const=True) addr_space = IntfMap([ (const_uint32_t, "meta_memory_size"), (const_uint32_t, "meta_memory_offset"), (IntfMap( (Interface_to_HdlType().apply(d.intf, const=True), for d in self.monitored_data if not d.is_visual_only() ), "data_memory"), ]) data_part_t = HTypeFromIntfMap(addr_space) data_part_width = data_part_t.bit_length() if self.ADD_META_MEMORY: closest_pow2 = 2 ** data_part_width.bit_length() if data_part_width != closest_pow2: # padding between data_memory and meta_memory addr_space.append((Bits(closest_pow2 - data_part_width), None)) meta_memory_offset = closest_pow2 // 8 meta_mem_words = meta_memory_size // (self.DATA_WIDTH // 8) addr_space.append( (Bits(self.DATA_WIDTH, const=True)[meta_mem_words], "meta_memory") ) else: meta_memory_offset = 0 ep = self._bus_endpoint_cls.fromInterfaceMap(addr_space) with self._paramsShared(): self.ep = ep ep.bus(self.s) ep.decoded.meta_memory_size(name_content_size) ep.decoded.meta_memory_offset(meta_memory_offset) for intf, d in self.iter_monitor_interface(): to_bus_intf = getattr(ep.decoded.data_memory, connect_MonitorIntf(intf, to_bus_intf) if self.ADD_META_MEMORY: meta_memory = rename_signal(self, meta_memory, "meta_memory") meta_memory_reader = ep.decoded.meta_memory If(self.clk._onRisingEdge(), If(meta_memory_reader.en, meta_memory_reader.dout( meta_memory[meta_memory_reader.addr]) ) ) propagateClkRstn(self)
[docs] @classmethod def _build_meta_memory(cls, intf: Interface, offset: int): if isinstance(intf, Interface) and intf._interfaces: res = [] for i in intf._interfaces: offset, _i = cls._build_meta_memory(i, offset) res.append((i._name, _i)) return offset, res else: w = intf._dtype.bit_length() return offset + w, [offset, w] return offset
[docs] def build_meta_memory_json(self, monitored_data: List[DebugBusMonitorDataRecord], data_ids: Dict[DebugBusMonitorDataRecord, int], offset: int): res = [] for d in monitored_data: d: DebugBusMonitorDataRecord if d.is_visual_only(): _i = [] else: offset, _i = self._build_meta_memory(d.intf, offset) children, offset = self.build_meta_memory_json(d.children, data_ids, offset) res.append({ "id": data_ids[d], "name":, "data": _i, "links": [data_ids[_d] for _d in d.successors], 'children': children, }) return res, offset
[docs] def build_meta_memory(self, monitored_data: List[DebugBusMonitorDataRecord]): data_ids = {} for i, d in enumerate(monitored_data): data_ids[d] = i res, _ = self.build_meta_memory_json((d for d in monitored_data if d.parent is None), data_ids, 0) res_bytes = json.dumps(res).encode("utf-8") DW = self.DATA_WIDTH name_data_width = ceil((len(res_bytes) * 8) / DW) * DW res = Bits(name_data_width).from_py( int.from_bytes(res_bytes, "little")) res = res._reinterpret_cast(Bits(DW)[name_data_width // DW]) return res, name_data_width // 8, len(res_bytes)
[docs] def iter_monitor_interface(self): yield from zip(self.monitor, (_d for _d in self.monitored_data if not _d.is_visual_only()))
[docs] def apply_connections(self): """ Connect a monitored interface to monitor ports of this component """ parent = self._parent for intf, d in self.iter_monitor_interface(): if d.trigger is not None or d.cdc or d.add_reg: intf_t = Interface_to_HdlType().apply(intf) else: intf_t = None in_clk, in_rst = d.intf._getAssociatedClk(), d.intf._getAssociatedRst() out_clk, out_rst = self.s._getAssociatedClk(), self.s._getAssociatedRst() orig_intf = d.intf if not d.cdc and d.trigger is not None: # regiter where trigger is en reg = parent._reg(, intf_t, clk=in_clk, rst=in_rst) If(d.trigger, *connect_to_MonitorIntf(d.intf, reg) ) orig_intf = reg if d.cdc: # synchronize input signals to clock domain of this component cdc_inst = MonitorIntfVldSyncedCdc(orig_intf) cdc_inst.IN_FREQ = in_clk.FREQ cdc_inst.OUT_FREQ = out_clk.FREQ # ignore because we can do anything about cdc_inst.IGNORE_DATA_LOSE = True setattr(parent, "cdc_" +, cdc_inst) cdc_inst.dataIn_clk(in_clk) cdc_inst.dataIn_rst_n(in_rst) if d.trigger is not None: cdc_inst.dataIn.vld(d.trigger) else: cdc_inst.dataIn.vld(1) connect_to_MonitorIntf(orig_intf, cdc_inst.dataOut_clk(out_clk) cdc_inst.dataOut_rst_n(out_rst) orig_intf = if d.add_reg: reg = parent._reg( + "_reg", intf_t, clk=out_clk, rst=out_rst) connect_to_MonitorIntf(orig_intf, reg) orig_intf = reg # connect to this component connect_to_MonitorIntf(orig_intf, intf)