Source code for hwtLib.abstract.frame_utils.join.state_trans_item

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from hwtLib.abstract.frame_utils.join.input_reg_val import InputRegInputVal
from hwtLib.abstract.frame_utils.join.state_trans_table import StateTransTable

[docs]def _cmp_with_None_as_2(o0, o1): """ :return: 0 if o0 == o1, -1 if o0 < o1, 1 if o0 > o1 """ if isinstance(o1, tuple): assert len(o0) == len(o1), (o0, o1) for _o0, _o1 in zip(o0, o1): cmp = _cmp_with_None_as_2(_o0, _o1) if cmp != 0: return cmp return 0 else: if o0 is None: o0 = 2 if o1 is None: o1 = 2 if o0 < o1: return -1 elif o0 > o1: return 1 return 0
[docs]class StateTransItem(): """ :ivar state: state label :ivar input: specifies the input to a state transition :ivar input_keep_mask: mask which will be applied to keep signal on input to the register :note: input_keep_mask[0][0] = [1, 0] means = reg0.out.keep & 0b01 :ivar input_rd: ready for a input channel (if 1 the input stream will be shifted in) :ivar output_keep: output keep values :ivar out_byte_mux_sel: list of """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent_table: StateTransTable, st_i: int, state_next_i: int, out_last: int): self.parent = parent_table self.state = st_i self.input: List[List[InputRegInputVal]] = [] # for input for in_reg_max in parent_table.max_lookahead_for_input: # for registers on input _input = [] for _ in range(in_reg_max + 1): _input.append(InputRegInputVal(self)) self.input.append(_input) # outputs self.input_keep_mask: List[List[List[Optional[int]]]] = [ [] for _ in range(parent_table.input_cnt) ] for input_keep_mask, in_reg_max in zip( self.input_keep_mask, parent_table.max_lookahead_for_input): for _ in range(in_reg_max + 1): input_keep_mask.append( [1 for _ in range(parent_table.word_bytes)]) self.input_rd: List[Optional[int]] = [0 for _ in range(parent_table.input_cnt)] self.output_keep: List[Optional[int]] = [0 for _ in range(parent_table.word_bytes)] self.out_byte_mux_sel: List[Optional[int]] = [None for _ in range(parent_table.word_bytes)] self.state_next = state_next_i self.last = out_last
[docs] def as_tuple(self): t = ( self.state, self.state_next, tuple(tuple(i2.as_tuple() for i2 in i) for i in self.input), tuple(tuple(tuple(i2) for i2 in i) for i in self.input_keep_mask), tuple(self.input_rd), tuple(self.output_keep), tuple(self.out_byte_mux_sel), self.last, ) return t
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): return _cmp_with_None_as_2(self.as_tuple(), other.as_tuple()) < 0
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return self is other or self.as_tuple() == other.as_tuple()
[docs] def inputs_exactly_different(self, other: "StateTransItem") -> bool: assert len(self.input) == len(other.input), (self, other) for in_regs0, in_regs1 in zip(self.input, other.input): assert len(in_regs0) == len(in_regs1), (self, other) for in0, in1 in zip(in_regs0, in_regs1): if in0.is_exactly_different(in1): return True return False
[docs] def __hash__(self): return hash(self.as_tuple())
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ Deepcopy, but do not copy the parent """ cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k == "parent": new_v = v else: new_v = deepcopy(v, memo) setattr(result, k, new_v) return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, parent, d: Dict): st, st_next = d["st"].split("->") self = cls(parent, int(st), int(st_next), d["out.last"]) self.input = [ [InputRegInputVal.from_dict(self, iriv) for iriv in _in] for _in in d["in"] ] self.input_keep_mask = d["in.keep_mask"] self.input_rd = d["in.rd"] self.output_keep = d["out.keep"] self.out_byte_mux_sel = d["out.mux"] return self
[docs] def __repr__(self, as_dict=False): if as_dict: header = "{" footer = "}" else: header = f"<{self.__class__.__name__} " footer = ">" return ("%s'st':'%r->%r', 'in':%r, \n" " 'in.keep_mask':%r, 'in.rd':%r,\n" " 'out.keep':%r, 'out.mux':%r, 'out.last':%r%s") % ( header, self.state, self.state_next, self.input, self.input_keep_mask, self.input_rd, self.output_keep, self.out_byte_mux_sel, self.last, footer )