Source code for hwtLib.abstract.frame_utils.join.state_trans_table

from itertools import islice
from typing import List

from hwt.math import log2ceil

[docs]class StateTransTable():
[docs] def __init__(self, word_bytes: int, max_lookahead_for_input: List[int], state_cnt: int): # List[Tuple[inputs, outputs]] input_cnt = len(max_lookahead_for_input) self.state_trans = [[] for _ in range(state_cnt)] self.input_cnt = input_cnt self.max_lookahead_for_input = max_lookahead_for_input self.word_bytes = word_bytes # keep + last + valid self.input_bits_per_input_reg = word_bytes + 1 + 1 self.state_cnt = state_cnt # number of bytes to store state self.state_width = log2ceil(state_cnt)
[docs] def assert_transitions_deterministic(self): for st_trans in self.state_trans: for i, t0 in enumerate(st_trans): # assert each other transition difers at least in a single value for any input # :note: None notes undefined value for t1 in islice(st_trans, i + 1, None): if not t0.inputs_exactly_different(t1): raise AssertionError("non-deterministic state transition", t0, t1)
[docs] def filter_unique_state_trans(self): self.state_trans = [sorted(set(t)) for t in self.state_trans]