Source code for hwtLib.abstract.sim_ram

from math import ceil

from hwt.hdl.transTmpl import TransTmpl
from hwt.hdl.types.array import HArray
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.struct import HStruct
from hwt.pyUtils.arrayQuery import grouper
from pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils import mask, get_bit_range, int_list_to_int
from hwt.math import shiftIntArray

[docs]class AllocationError(Exception): """ Exception which says that requested allocation can not be performed """ pass
[docs]def reshapedInitItems(actualCellSize, requestedCellSize, values): """ Convert array item size and items cnt while size of array remains unchanged :param actualCellSize: actual size of item in array :param requestedCellSize: requested size of item in array :param values: input array :return: generator of new items of specified characteristic """ if (actualCellSize < requestedCellSize and requestedCellSize % actualCellSize == 0): itemsInCell = requestedCellSize // actualCellSize for itemsInWord in grouper(itemsInCell, values, padvalue=0): yield int_list_to_int(itemsInWord, actualCellSize * 8) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Reshaping of array from cell size {actualCellSize:d} to {requestedCellSize:d}")
[docs]class SimRam(): """ Dense memory for simulation purposes with data pump interfaces :ivar memory dict """
[docs] def __init__(self, cellSize, parent=None): """ :param cellWidth: width of items in memory :param clk: clk signal for synchronization :param parent: parent instance of SimRam (memory will be shared with this instance) """ self.parent = parent if parent is None: = {} else: = self.cellSize = cellSize self.prevAllocatedAddrEnd = 0
[docs] def malloc(self, size, keepOut=None): """ Allocates a block of memory of size and initialize it with None (invalid value) :param size: Size of memory block to allocate. :param keepOut: optional memory spacing between this memory region and lastly allocated :return: address of allocated memory """ addr = self.prevAllocatedAddrEnd k = if k: addr = (max(k) + 1) * self.cellSize if keepOut: addr += keepOut indx = addr // self.cellSize if indx * self.cellSize != addr: NotImplementedError( f"unaligned allocations not implemented (0x{addr:x})") d = for i in range(size // self.cellSize): tmp = indx + i if tmp in d.keys(): raise AllocationError( "Address 0x%x is already occupied" % (tmp * self.cellSize)) d[tmp] = None self.prevAllocatedAddrEnd = addr return addr
[docs] def calloc(self, num, size, keepOut=None, initValues=None) -> int: """ Allocates a block of memory for an array of num elements, each of them size bytes long, and initializes all its bits to zero. :param num: Number of elements to allocate. :param size: Size of each element. :param keepOut: optional memory spacing between this memory region and lastly allocated (number of bit between last allocated segment to avoid) :param initValues: iterable of word values to init memory with :return: address (byte step) of allocated memory """ addr = self.prevAllocatedAddrEnd k = if k: addr = (max(k) + 1) * self.cellSize if keepOut: addr += keepOut indx = addr // self.cellSize shift = addr % self.cellSize wordCnt = ceil((num * size) / self.cellSize) if shift: # shift all data in init values initValues = shiftIntArray(initValues, self.cellSize * 8, shift * 8) wordCnt += 1 d = if initValues is not None: if size != self.cellSize: initValues = list(reshapedInitItems( size, self.cellSize, initValues)) assert len(initValues) == wordCnt, (len(initValues), wordCnt) for i in range(wordCnt): tmp = indx + i if tmp in d.keys(): raise AllocationError( "Address 0x%x is already occupied" % (tmp * self.cellSize)) if initValues is None: d[tmp] = 0 else: d[tmp] = initValues[i] self.prevAllocatedAddrEnd = (indx + wordCnt) * self.cellSize return addr
[docs] def getArray(self, addr: int, item_size: int, item_cnt: int): """ Get array stored in memory """ baseIndex = addr // self.cellSize if item_size != self.cellSize or baseIndex * self.cellSize != addr: return self._getArray(addr * 8, TransTmpl(Bits(item_size * 8)[item_cnt])) else: out = [] for i in range(baseIndex, baseIndex + item_cnt): try: v =[i] except KeyError: v = None out.append(v) return out
[docs] def getBits(self, start, end, sign): """ Gets value of bits between selected range from memory :param start: bit address of start of bit of bits :param end: bit address of first bit behind bits :return: instance of BitsVal (derived from SimBits type) which contains copy of selected bits """ wordWidth = self.cellSize * 8 inFieldOffset = 0 allMask = mask(wordWidth) value = Bits(end - start, signed=sign).from_py(None) while start != end: assert start < end, (start, end) dataWordIndex = start // wordWidth v =, None) endOfWord = (dataWordIndex + 1) * wordWidth width = min(end, endOfWord) - start offset = start % wordWidth if v is None: val = 0 vld_mask = 0 elif isinstance(v, int): val = get_bit_range(v, offset, width) vld_mask = allMask else: val = get_bit_range(v.val, offset, width) vld_mask = get_bit_range(v.vld_mask, offset, width) m = mask(width) value.val |= (val & m) << inFieldOffset value.vld_mask |= (vld_mask & m) << inFieldOffset inFieldOffset += width start += width return value
[docs] def _getArray(self, offset, transTmpl): """ :param offset: global offset of this transTmpl (and struct) :param transTmpl: instance of TransTmpl which specifies items in array """ t = transTmpl.dtype c = transTmpl.children arr_offset = offset item_width = c.bitAddrEnd - c.bitAddr value = [] if not isinstance(t.element_t, Bits): raise NotImplementedError(t.element_t) for _ in range(t.size): v = self.getBits(arr_offset, arr_offset + item_width, None) value.append(v) arr_offset += item_width return value
[docs] def _getStruct(self, offset, transTmpl): """ :param offset: global offset of this transTmpl (and struct) :param transTmpl: instance of TransTmpl which specifies items in struct """ dataDict = {} for subTmpl in transTmpl.children: t = subTmpl.dtype name = subTmpl.origin[-1].name if isinstance(t, Bits): value = self.getBits( subTmpl.bitAddr + offset, subTmpl.bitAddrEnd + offset, t.signed) elif isinstance(t, HArray): value = self._getArray(subTmpl.bitAddr + offset, subTmpl) elif isinstance(t, HStruct): value = self._getStruct(offset, subTmpl) else: raise NotImplementedError(t) dataDict[name] = value return transTmpl.dtype.from_py(dataDict)
[docs] def getStruct(self, addr, structT, bitAddr=None): """ Get HStruct from memory :param addr: address where get struct from :param structT: instance of HStruct or FrameTmpl generated from it to resolve structure of data :param bitAddr: optional bit precise address is is not None param addr has to be None """ if bitAddr is None: assert bitAddr is None bitAddr = addr * 8 else: assert addr is not None if isinstance(structT, TransTmpl): transTmpl = structT structT = transTmpl.origin else: assert isinstance(structT, HStruct) transTmpl = TransTmpl(structT) return self._getStruct(bitAddr, transTmpl)