Source code for hwtLib.amba.axi_comp.cache.addrTypeConfig

from typing import Tuple

from hwt.code import Concat
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.math import log2ceil
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils import mask

[docs]class CacheAddrTypeConfig(Unit): """ A container of address type configuration and address parsing utils. :ivar ADDR_WIDTH: the total width of the address in bits :ivar CACHE_LINE_SIZE: cache line width in bytes :ivar CACHE_LINE_CNT: total number of cache lines available in this cache (sum in all sets/"ways" together). Address is composed of several parts as shown in table bellow: +-------+--------+--------+ | tag | index | offset | +-------+--------+--------+ * offset is an offset in cacheline * index is an index of set where the cacheline could be stored in cache * tag is a rest of address used to check if the calenine stored on index in cache is the cacheline of the requested address """ def _config(self): if not hasattr(self, "ADDR_WIDTH"): self.ADDR_WIDTH = Param(32) self.CACHE_LINE_SIZE = Param(64) self.CACHE_LINE_CNT = Param(4096)
[docs] def _compupte_tag_index_offset_widths(self): self.OFFSET_W = log2ceil(self.CACHE_LINE_SIZE) self.INDEX_W = log2ceil(self.CACHE_LINE_CNT // self.WAY_CNT) self.TAG_W = self.ADDR_WIDTH - self.INDEX_W - self.OFFSET_W assert self.TAG_W > 0, ("If TAG_W <=0 it means that you do not need cache at all because cache is larger than cached mem.", self.ADDR_WIDTH, self.OFFSET_W, self.INDEX_W, self.TAG_W)
[docs] def parse_addr_int(self, addr: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: tag = addr >> (self.INDEX_W + self.OFFSET_W) index = (addr >> self.OFFSET_W) & mask(self.INDEX_W) offset = addr & mask(self.OFFSET_W) return tag, index, offset
[docs] def parse_addr(self, addr) -> Tuple[RtlSignal, RtlSignal, RtlSignal]: tag = addr[:(self.INDEX_W + self.OFFSET_W)] index = addr[(self.INDEX_W + self.OFFSET_W):self.OFFSET_W] offset = addr[self.OFFSET_W:] return tag, index, offset
[docs] def addr_in_data_array(self, way: RtlSignal, index: RtlSignal): return Concat(way, index)
[docs] def deparse_addr(self, tag, index, offset) -> Tuple[RtlSignal, RtlSignal, RtlSignal]: if isinstance(tag, int): tag = Bits(self.TAG_W).from_py(tag) else: assert tag._dtype.bit_length() == self.TAG_W, (tag._dtype, self.TAG_W) if isinstance(offset, int): offset = Bits(self.OFFSET_W).from_py(offset) else: assert offset._dtype.bit_length() == self.OFFSET_W, (self.OFFSET_W, offset._dtype) if isinstance(index, int): index = Bits(self.INDEX_W).from_py(index) else: assert index._dtype.bit_length() == self.INDEX_W, (self.INDEX_W, index._dtype) return Concat(tag, index, offset)