Source code for hwtLib.amba.axis_comp.frame_parser.field_connector

from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple, List

from hwt.code import If, Switch, Concat
from hwt.hdl.frameTmplUtils import ChoicesOfFrameParts
from hwt.hdl.transPart import TransPart
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import BIT
from import HStream
from hwt.hdl.types.struct import HStructField
from hwt.interfaces.structIntf import StructIntf
from hwt.interfaces.unionIntf import UnionSource, UnionSink
from hwt.synthesizer.byteOrder import reverseByteOrder
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from hwtLib.amba.axis import AxiStream
from hwtLib.amba.axis_comp.frame_parser.out_containers import ListOfOutNodeInfos, \
    ExclusieveListOfHsNodes, InNodeInfo, InNodeReadOnlyInfo, OutStreamNodeGroup, \
    OutStreamNodeInfo, OutNodeInfo
from hwtLib.handshaked.builder import HsBuilder
from pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils import mask

[docs]def get_byte_order_modifier(axis: AxiStream): if axis.IS_BIGENDIAN: return reverseByteOrder else: def byteOrderCare(sig): return sig return byteOrderCare
[docs]class AxiS_frameParserFieldConnector():
[docs] def __init__(self, parent: Unit, dataIn: AxiStream, dataOut: Union[StructIntf, UnionSource]): self.parent = parent self.dataIn = dataIn self.dataOut = dataOut self.byteOrderCare = get_byte_order_modifier(dataIn) self._tmpRegsForSelect = {} # TransTmpl: List[RtlSignal] self._signalsOfParts = {} # AxiStream: OutStreamNodeInfo self._streamNodes = {}
[docs] def getInDataSignal(self, transPart: TransPart): busDataSignal = high, low = transPart.getBusWordBitRange() return busDataSignal[high:low]
[docs] def choiceIsSelected(self, interfaceOfChoice: Union[UnionSource, UnionSink]): """ Check if union member is selected by _select interface in union interface """ parent = interfaceOfChoice._parent r = self._tmpRegsForSelect[parent] i = parent._interfaces.index(interfaceOfChoice) return i,, r.vld
[docs] def connectParts(self, allOutNodes: ListOfOutNodeInfos, words: Tuple[int, List[Union[TransPart, ChoicesOfFrameParts]], bool], wordIndex: Optional[RtlSignal]): """ Create main datamux from dataIn to dataOut """ for currentWordIndex, transParts, _ in words: # each word index is used and there may be TransParts which are # representation of padding outNondes = ListOfOutNodeInfos() for part in transParts: self.connectPart(outNondes, part, BIT.from_py(1), BIT.from_py(1), wordIndex, currentWordIndex) allOutNodes.addWord(currentWordIndex, outNondes)
[docs] def connectChoicesOfFrameParts( self, hsNondes: ListOfOutNodeInfos, part: ChoicesOfFrameParts, en: Union[RtlSignal, bool], exclusiveEn: Optional[RtlSignal], wordIndex: Optional[RtlSignal], currentWordIndex: int): tToIntf = self.dataOut._fieldsToInterfaces parentIntf = tToIntf[part.origin.parent.getFieldPath()] try: sel = self._tmpRegsForSelect[parentIntf] except KeyError: sel = HsBuilder(self.parent, parentIntf._select).buff().end self._tmpRegsForSelect[parentIntf] = sel unionGroup = ExclusieveListOfHsNodes(sel) # for unions for choice in part: # connect data signals of choices and collect info about # streams intfOfChoice = tToIntf[choice.tmpl.getFieldPath()] selIndex, isSelected, isSelectValid = self.choiceIsSelected( intfOfChoice) _exclusiveEn = isSelectValid & isSelected & exclusiveEn unionMemberPart = ListOfOutNodeInfos() for p in choice: self.connectPart(unionMemberPart, p, en, _exclusiveEn, wordIndex, currentWordIndex) unionGroup.append(selIndex, unionMemberPart) hsNondes.append(unionGroup) if wordIndex is not None: en = en & wordIndex._eq(currentWordIndex) if part.isLastPart(): # synchronization of reading from _select register for unions selNode = InNodeInfo(sel, en) else: selNode = InNodeReadOnlyInfo(sel, en) hsNondes.append(selNode)
[docs] def connectStreamOfFrameParts( self, hsNondes: ListOfOutNodeInfos, part: Union[TransPart, ChoicesOfFrameParts], en: Union[RtlSignal, bool], exclusiveEn: Optional[RtlSignal], wordIndex: Optional[RtlSignal], currentWordIndex: int): orig = part.tmpl.origin[-1] # use tmpl.parent because part is actually a chunk of data # in the stream path_to_stream_port = part.tmpl.parent.getFieldPath() dout = self.dataOut._fieldsToInterfaces[path_to_stream_port] if isinstance(orig, HStructField): orig = orig.dtype assert isinstance(orig, HStream), orig # if not part.isLastPart(): # raise NotImplementedError() if not len(orig.start_offsets) == 1: raise NotImplementedError() din = self.dataIn is_first_part_in_stream = part.tmpl.parent.bitAddr == part.startOfPart if is_first_part_in_stream: frame_range = part.tmpl.parent.bitAddr, part.tmpl.parent.bitAddrEnd DW = din.DATA_WIDTH start_offset = frame_range[0] % DW end_rem = frame_range[1] % DW if orig.start_offsets != (0,): raise NotImplementedError() # this is a first part of stream # now connect all data for each part non_data_signals = [din.valid, din.ready, din.last] if start_offset == 0 and end_rem == 0: pass else: if dout.USE_STRB: non_data_signals.append(din.strb) if dout.USE_KEEP: non_data_signals.append(din.keep) assert start_offset % 8 == 0, start_offset assert end_rem % 8 == 0, end_rem first_word_i = frame_range[0] // DW last_word_i = (frame_range[1] - 1) // DW first_word_mask = mask((DW - start_offset) // 8) << start_offset // 8 body_word_mask = mask(DW // 8) def set_mask(m): res = [] if dout.USE_STRB: res.append(dout.strb(m)) if dout.USE_KEEP: res.append(dout.keep(m)) return res if end_rem == 0: last_word_mask = body_word_mask else: last_word_mask = mask(end_rem // 8) if first_word_i == last_word_i: # only single word, mask is constant m = first_word_mask & last_word_mask set_mask(m) elif first_word_i == last_word_i + 1: # only two words, mask is differnt between word 0 and 1 raise NotImplementedError() else: # 2+ words, first and body or last and body may be same if first_word_mask == body_word_mask: # last is only word with a special mask If(wordIndex._eq(last_word_i), *set_mask(last_word_mask) ).Else( *set_mask(body_word_mask) ) elif last_word_mask == body_word_mask: # first is only word with special mask If(wordIndex._eq(first_word_i), *set_mask(first_word_mask) ).Else( *set_mask(body_word_mask) ) else: # first, last, body word have all unique masks Switch(wordIndex)\ .Case(first_word_i, set_mask(first_word_mask))\ .Case(last_word_i, set_mask(last_word_mask))\ .Default(set_mask(body_word_mask)) dout(din, exclude=non_data_signals) is_last_part_in_stream = part.tmpl.parent.bitAddrEnd == part.endOfPart if is_last_part_in_stream: if wordIndex is None: last = 1 else: last = wordIndex._eq(currentWordIndex) dout.last(last) if is_first_part_in_stream or part.startOfPart % din.DATA_WIDTH == 0: # first part in current word streamGroup = self._streamNodes.setdefault(dout, OutStreamNodeGroup(wordIndex, currentWordIndex)) streamGroup.word_range_max = currentWordIndex on = OutStreamNodeInfo(self.parent, dout, en, exclusiveEn, streamGroup) hsNondes.append(on)
[docs] def connectPart(self, hsNondes: ListOfOutNodeInfos, part: Union[TransPart, ChoicesOfFrameParts], en: Union[RtlSignal, bool], exclusiveEn: Union[RtlSignal, bool], wordIndex: Optional[RtlSignal], currentWordIndex: int): """ Create datamux for a single output word in main fsm and colect metainformations for handshake logic and strb/keep :param hsNondes: list of nodes of handshaked logic """ if isinstance(part, ChoicesOfFrameParts): # connect union field return self.connectChoicesOfFrameParts( hsNondes, part, en, exclusiveEn, wordIndex, currentWordIndex) # elif isinstance(part, StreamOfFrameParts): # return self.connectStreamOfFrameParts( # hsNondes, part, en, exclusiveEn, wordIndex) elif part.isPadding: return fieldInfo = part.tmpl.origin[-1] if isinstance(fieldInfo, HStream) or ( isinstance(fieldInfo, HStructField) and isinstance(fieldInfo.dtype, HStream)): return self.connectStreamOfFrameParts( hsNondes, part, en, exclusiveEn, wordIndex, currentWordIndex) # connect regular scalar field fPartSig = self.getInDataSignal(part) assert isinstance(fieldInfo, HStructField), fieldInfo try: signalsOfParts = self._signalsOfParts[part.tmpl] except KeyError: signalsOfParts = [] self._signalsOfParts[part.tmpl] = signalsOfParts if wordIndex is not None: en = en & wordIndex._eq(currentWordIndex) if part.isLastPart(): # connect all parts in this group to output stream signalsOfParts.append(fPartSig) tToIntf = self.dataOut._fieldsToInterfaces intf = tToIntf[part.tmpl.getFieldPath()] Concat( *reversed(signalsOfParts) )) ) on = OutNodeInfo(self.parent, intf, en, exclusiveEn) hsNondes.append(on) else: # part is not in same word as last part, we have to store it's value # to register until the last part arrive fPartReg = self.parent._reg(f"{}_part_{len(signalsOfParts):d}", fPartSig._dtype) dataVld = self.dataIn.valid & en & exclusiveEn If(dataVld, fPartReg(fPartSig) ) signalsOfParts.append(fPartReg)