Source code for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.descriptors.bundle

from typing import List, Tuple, Optional

from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.value import HValue
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.descriptors.std import USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, \
    usb_descriptor_device_t, usb_descriptor_endpoint_t, USB_ENDPOINT_DIR, \
from hwtLib.types.ctypes import uint8_t

[docs]class UsbNoSuchDescriptor(Exception): """ Raised when the device responded with STALL to GET_DESCRIPTOR which means that it does not have such a descriptor. """
[docs]class UsbEndpointMeta(): """ Information about USB endpoint extracted from :class:`~.UsbDescriptorBundle` """
[docs] def __init__(self, index: int, dir_:USB_ENDPOINT_DIR, supports_setup: bool=False, supports_bulk: bool=False, supports_interrupt: bool=False, supports_isochronoust: bool=False, max_packet_size: int=0, buffer_size: Optional[int]=None, ): self.index = index self.dir = dir_ self.supports_setup = supports_setup self.supports_bulk = supports_bulk self.supports_interrupt = supports_interrupt self.supports_isochronoust = supports_isochronoust self.max_packet_size = max_packet_size if buffer_size is None: buffer_size = max_packet_size * 2 self.buffer_size = buffer_size
[docs] def __repr__(self): capabilities = [] if self.supports_setup: capabilities.append("setup") if self.supports_bulk: capabilities.append("bulk") if self.supports_interrupt: capabilities.append("interrupt") if self.supports_isochronoust: capabilities.append("isochronoust") if self.dir == USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.IN: d = "IN" elif self.dir == USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.OUT: d = "OUT" else: d = "INVALID" return ( f"<{self.__class__.__name__:s} EP{self.index:d} {d:s} {capabilities} " f"maxPacketSize:{self.max_packet_size:d}B>" )
[docs]class UsbDescriptorBundle(list): """ Container of USB descriptors. :ivar compiled_rom: list of bytes for descriptor rom generated from this descriptor bundle :ivar compiled_type_to_addr_and_size: a dictionary mapping the descriptor type to list of tuples address size for a localization of the descriptor in compiled rom """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): list.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.compiled_rom: Optional[List[int]] = None self.compiled_type_to_addr_and_size: Optional[USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, List[Tuple[int, int]]] = None
[docs] def get_descriptor(self, descr_t, descr_i: int) -> Tuple[int, HValue]: """ Get an index of descriptor of a specific type :param descr_t: specific type of descriptor :param descr_i: index of this descriptor of this specific type (excluding any descriptors of different type) """ _i = 0 for i, desc in enumerate(self): if desc._dtype is descr_t or ( descr_t is str and int(desc.header.bDescriptorType) == USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE.STRING): if _i == descr_i: return i, desc else: _i += 1 raise UsbNoSuchDescriptor()
[docs] def get_descriptor_index(self, descr_t, descr_i: int) -> int: return self.get_descriptor(descr_t, descr_i)[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def pack_descriptor(d: HValue) -> List[int]: _data = d._reinterpret_cast(uint8_t[d._dtype.bit_length() // 8]) return _data.to_py()
[docs] def get_descr_bytes(self, start_descr_i: int, wLength: int) -> List[int]: """ Start at the beginning of the descriptor on index start_descr_i and copy specified number of bytes from that location (may overlap to other descriptors as well) """ data = [] remain = wLength descr_i = start_descr_i while True: try: _d = self[descr_i] except IndexError: break d = self.pack_descriptor(_d) d_len = len(d) if d_len > remain: data.extend(d[:remain]) break elif d_len == remain: data.extend(d) break else: remain -= d_len data.extend(d) descr_i += 1 return data
[docs] def get_endpoint_meta(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[Optional[UsbEndpointMeta], Optional[UsbEndpointMeta]]]: endpoints = [] for d in self: if d._dtype == usb_descriptor_device_t: pSize = int(d.body.bMaxPacketSize) assert not endpoints, (endpoints, "Device descriptor should be only one") ep_out = UsbEndpointMeta(0, USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.OUT, supports_setup=True, max_packet_size=pSize) ep_in = UsbEndpointMeta(0, USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.IN, supports_setup=True, max_packet_size=pSize) endpoints.append([ep_out, ep_in]) elif d._dtype == usb_descriptor_endpoint_t: addr = int(d.body.bEndpointAddress) assert addr > 0, (addr, "Control endpoint properties should be specified only in device descriptor") dir_ = int(d.body.bEndpointAddressDir) assert dir_ in (USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.IN, USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.OUT), dir_ # add records to endponts list if there is not record for this endpoint missig_endponts = addr + 1 - len(endpoints) if missig_endponts > 0: endpoints.extend([[None, None] for _ in range(missig_endponts)]) ep = endpoints[addr][dir_] if ep is None: ep = endpoints[addr][dir_] = UsbEndpointMeta(addr, dir_) # update UsbEndpointMeta with the data from this descriptor syn = int(d.body.bmAttributes.synchronisationType) if syn == USB_ENDPOINT_ATTRIBUTES_TRANSFER_TYPE.CONTROL: ep.supports_setup = True elif syn == USB_ENDPOINT_ATTRIBUTES_TRANSFER_TYPE.ISOCHRONOUS: ep.supports_isochronoust = True elif syn == USB_ENDPOINT_ATTRIBUTES_TRANSFER_TYPE.BULK: ep.supports_bulk = True elif syn == USB_ENDPOINT_ATTRIBUTES_TRANSFER_TYPE.INTERRUPT: ep.supports_interrupt = True else: raise ValueError(syn) ep.max_packet_size = max(ep.max_packet_size, int(d.body.wMaxPacketSize)) ep.buffer_size = ep.max_packet_size * 2 return tuple(endpoints)
[docs] def get_descriptors_from_rom(self, descr_t: USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Get the address and size of descriptor in comiled rom memory :param i: index of the decriptor in a list of descriptors of this type to get :return: tuple address, size """ assert self.compiled_rom is not None, "Rom has to be compiled first" try: return self.compiled_type_to_addr_and_size[descr_t] except: raise UsbNoSuchDescriptor()
[docs] @staticmethod def HValue_to_byte_list(d: HValue): w = d._dtype.bit_length() return d._reinterpret_cast(Bits(8)[w // 8]).to_py()
[docs] def compile_rom(self) -> List[int]: assert self.compiled_rom is None, "Avoid recompilation" self.compiled_rom = [] self.compiled_type_to_addr_and_size = {} for d in self: as_bytelist = self.HValue_to_byte_list(d) addr = len(self.compiled_rom) size = len(as_bytelist) self.compiled_rom.extend(as_bytelist) t = int(d.header.bDescriptorType) descr_info_list = self.compiled_type_to_addr_and_size.setdefault(t, []) descr_info_list.append((addr, size)) return self.compiled_rom