Source code for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.device_request

from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.struct import HStruct

[docs]class USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIRECTION: """ Values for usb_request_type_t.recipient """ HOST_TO_DEV = 0 DEV_TO_HOST = 1
[docs]class USB_REQUEST_TYPE_TYPE: """ Values for usb_request_type_t.type """ STANDARD = 0 CLASS = 1 VENDOR = 2
[docs]class USB_REQUEST_TYPE_RECIPIENT: """ Values for usb_request_type_t.data_transfer_direction """ DEVICE = 0 INTERFACE = 1 ENDPOINT = 2 OTHER = 3
usb_request_type_t = HStruct( (Bits(5), "recipient"), # :see: :class:`~.USB_REQUEST_TYPE_RECIPIENT` (Bits(2), "type"), # :see: :class:`~.USB_REQUEST_TYPE_TYPE` (Bits(1), "data_transfer_direction"), # :see: :class:`~.USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIRECTION` )
[docs]class USB_REQUEST: """ Values for usb_device_request_t.bRequest """ GET_STATUS = 0x00 # dev, intf, ep CLEAR_FEATURE = 0x01 # dev, intf, ep SET_FEATURE = 0x03 # dev, intf, ep SET_ADDRESS = 0x05 # dev GET_DESCRIPTOR = 0x06 # dev SET_DESCRIPTOR = 0x07 # dev GET_CONFIGURATION = 0x08 # dev SET_CONFIGURATION = 0x09 # dev SYNCH_FRAME = 0x12 # ep GET_INTERFACE = 0x0A # intf SET_INTERFACE = 0x11 # intf
# used as a data for setup transactions usb_device_request_t = HStruct( (usb_request_type_t, "bmRequestType"), (Bits(1 * 8), "bRequest"), # Word-sized field that varies according to request (Bits(2 * 8), "wValue"), # Word-sized field that varies according to # request; typically used to pass an index or offset (Bits(2 * 8), "wIndex"), # Number of bytes to transfer if there is a Data stage (Bits(2 * 8), "wLength"), )
[docs]def make_usb_device_request(bmRequestType_recipient: USB_REQUEST_TYPE_RECIPIENT, bmRequestType_type: USB_REQUEST_TYPE_TYPE, bmRequestType_data_transfer_direction: USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIRECTION, bRequest:USB_REQUEST, wValue: int, wIndex: int, wLength: int): return usb_device_request_t.from_py({ "bmRequestType": { "recipient": bmRequestType_recipient, "type": bmRequestType_type, "data_transfer_direction": bmRequestType_data_transfer_direction, }, "bRequest": bRequest, "wValue": wValue, "wIndex": wIndex, "wLength": wLength, })