Source code for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.sim.usbip.connection

import asyncio
from asyncio.streams import StreamReader, StreamWriter
from asyncio.tasks import sleep
import re
import struct
import traceback
from typing import Dict, Tuple

from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.descriptors.std import USB_ENDPOINT_DIR
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.device_request import usb_request_type_t, USB_REQUEST, \
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.sim.usbip.constants import USBIP_SPEED, USBIP_VERSION, \
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.sim.usbip.device import USBIPDevice, USBIPPending, \

[docs]class USBIPProtocolErrorException(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, message): self.message = message
[docs]class USBIPConnection: """ Server container of informations about USBIP client connection """ OP_SUBMIT = ">IiIIi8s" OP_SUBMIT_SIZE = struct.calcsize(OP_SUBMIT) OP_COMMON = ">HIIII" OP_COMMON_SIZE = struct.calcsize(OP_COMMON)
[docs] def __init__(self, server: 'UsbipServer', reader: StreamReader, writer: StreamWriter): self.reader = reader self.writer = writer self.devices: Dict[Tuple[int, int], USBIPDevice] = {} self.urbs: Dict[int, USBIPPending] = {} self.debug: bool = server._debug self.server = server
[docs] def debug_log(self, t): addr = self.writer.get_extra_info('peername') print(f'{addr}: {t}')
[docs] def pack_device_desc(self, dev: USBIPSimDevice, interfaces=True): """ Pack a device descriptors into bytes for stransport to client """ busnum = dev.getBusNumber() devnum = dev.getDeviceAddress() path = f"pyusbip/{busnum:d}/{devnum:d}" busid = f"{busnum:d}-{devnum:d}" speed = USBIP_SPEED[dev.getDeviceSpeed()] idVendor = dev.getVendorID() idProduct = dev.getProductID() bcdDevice = dev.getbcdDevice() bDeviceClass = dev.getDeviceClass() bDeviceSubClass = dev.getDeviceSubClass() bDeviceProtocol = dev.getDeviceProtocol() configs = list(dev.iterConfigurations()) try: hnd = bConfigurationValue = hnd.getConfiguration() hnd.close() except Exception: bConfigurationValue = configs[0].getConfigurationValue() bNumConfigurations = dev.getNumConfigurations() # Sigh, find it. config = configs[0] for _config in configs: if _config.getConfigurationValue() == bConfigurationValue: config = _config break bNumInterfaces = config.getNumInterfaces() data = [ struct.pack(">256s32sIIIHHHBBBBBB", path.encode(), busid.encode(), busnum, devnum, speed, idVendor, idProduct, bcdDevice, bDeviceClass, bDeviceSubClass, bDeviceProtocol, bConfigurationValue, bNumConfigurations, bNumInterfaces), ] if interfaces: for ifc in config.iterInterfaces(): _set = list(ifc.iterSettings())[0] data.append( struct.pack(">BBBB", _set.getClass(), _set.getSubClass(), _set.getProtocol(), 0) ) return b"".join(data)
[docs] async def getDeviceList(self): """ usbctx like function """ while self.server.usb_ag.usb_driver is None or not self.server.usb_ag.usb_driver._descriptors_downloaded: await sleep(0.001) # return usbctx.getDeviceList() for addr, descriptors in self.server.usb_ag.usb_driver.descr.items(): yield USBIPSimDevice(self.server.usb_ag, addr, descriptors)
[docs] async def handle_op_devlist(self): if self.debug: self.debug_log('DEVLIST') devlist = [x async for x in self.getDeviceList()] resp = [ struct.pack(">HHII", USBIP_VERSION, USBIP_OP_DEVLIST | USBIP_REPLY, USBIP_ST_OK, len(devlist)), ] for dev in devlist: resp.append(self.pack_device_desc(dev)) self.writer.write(b''.join(resp))
[docs] async def handle_op_import(self, busid): # We kind of do this the hard way -- rather than looking up by bus # id / device address, we instead just compare the string. Life is # too short to extend python-libusb1. if self.debug: self.debug_log(f'IMPORT {busid}') m = re.match("(\d+)-(\d+)", busid) if m: busnum = int( devnum = int( async for dev in self.getDeviceList(): devid = (dev.getBusNumber(), dev.getDeviceAddress()) if devid == (busnum, devnum): hnd = if self.debug: self.debug_log(f'opened device {busid}') d = USBIPDevice(devid, hnd) self.devices[d.packDevid()] = d resp = struct.pack(">HHI", USBIP_VERSION, USBIP_OP_IMPORT | USBIP_REPLY, USBIP_ST_OK, ) + self.pack_device_desc(dev, interfaces=False) self.writer.write(resp) return if self.debug: self.debug_log('device not found') resp = struct.pack(">HHI", USBIP_VERSION, USBIP_OP_IMPORT | USBIP_REPLY, USBIP_ST_NA) self.writer.write(resp)
[docs] @classmethod def make_usbip_header_basic(cls, command: int, seqnum: int, devid: int, direction:int, ep:int): return struct.pack(">IIIII", command, seqnum, devid, direction, ep )
[docs] @classmethod def usbip_ret_submit(cls, seqnum, devid, direction, ep, status:int, actual_length:int, error_count:int, transfer_buffer:bytes, iso_start_frame=0, iso_number_of_packets=0xffffffff, iso_packet_descriptor:bytes=b''): header = cls.make_usbip_header_basic( USBIP_RET_SUBMIT, seqnum, devid, direction, ep) resp = b''.join([ header, struct.pack(">iiiII", status, actual_length, iso_start_frame, iso_number_of_packets, error_count, ), b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', transfer_buffer, iso_packet_descriptor, ]) return resp
[docs] async def handle_urb_submit(self, seqnum:int, dev: USBIPDevice, direction, ep): data = await self.reader.readexactly(self.OP_SUBMIT_SIZE) (transfer_flags, buflen, start_frame, number_of_packets, interval, setup) = \ struct.unpack(self.OP_SUBMIT, data) if start_frame not in (0, 0xffffffff): raise NotImplementedError(f"ISO start_frame {start_frame:d}") if number_of_packets not in (0, 0xffffffff): raise NotImplementedError(f"ISO number_of_packets {number_of_packets:d}") if direction == USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.OUT and buflen: buf = await self.reader.readexactly(buflen) else: buf = b'' if ep == 0: (bRequestType, bRequest, wValue, wIndex, wLength) = struct.unpack("<BBHHH", setup) # EP0 control traffic; unpack the control request, synchronous. if wLength != buflen: raise USBIPProtocolErrorException(f"wLength {wLength:d} != buflen {buflen:d}") req = Bits(8).from_py(bRequestType)._reinterpret_cast(usb_request_type_t) if self.debug: _req_str = repr(req).replace('\n', ' ') self.debug_log(f"seq 0x{seqnum:x} EP0 requesttype {_req_str:s}, request {bRequest:d}, wValue {wValue:d}," f" wIndex {wIndex:d}, wLength {wLength:d}") try: if direction == USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.IN: data = await dev.hnd.controlRead(int(req.recipient), int(req.type), int(req.data_transfer_direction), bRequest, wValue, wIndex, wLength) if self.debug: self.debug_log(f"seq 0x{seqnum:x}: read response with {len(data):d}/{wLength:d} bytes") resp = self.usbip_ret_submit(seqnum, dev.packDevid(), direction, ep, 0, len(data), 0, data) else: if bRequestType == USB_REQUEST_TYPE_RECIPIENT.DEVICE and bRequest == USB_REQUEST.SET_ADDRESS: raise NotImplementedError("USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS") elif bRequestType == USB_REQUEST_TYPE_RECIPIENT.DEVICE and bRequest == USB_REQUEST.SET_CONFIGURATION: if self.debug: self.debug_log(f'set configuration: {wValue:d}') elif bRequestType == USB_REQUEST_TYPE_RECIPIENT.INTERFACE and bRequest == USB_REQUEST.SET_INTERFACE: if self.debug: self.debug_log(f'set interface alt setting: {wIndex:d} -> {wValue:d}') wlen = await dev.hnd.controlWrite(int(req.recipient), int(req.type), int(req.data_transfer_direction), bRequest, wValue, wIndex, buf) if self.debug: self.debug_log(f"seq 0x{seqnum:x}: wrote {wlen:d}/{wLength:d} bytes") resp = self.usbip_ret_submit(seqnum, dev.packDevid(), direction, ep, 0, len(buf), 0, b'') except Exception as e: if self.debug: traceback.print_exc() print(e) self.debug_log('EPIPE') resp = self.usbip_ret_submit(seqnum, dev.packDevid(), direction, ep, -USB_EPIPE, 0, 0, b'') self.writer.write(resp) else: # a request on another endpoint. These are asynchronous. xfer = dev.hnd.getTransfer() if direction == USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.IN: def callback(xfer_): if self.debug: self.debug_log(f'IN callback seqnum 0x{seqnum:x} ep {ep:d} status {xfer.getStatus():d} ' f'len {xfer.getActualLength():d} buflen {len(xfer.getBuffer()):d}') data = xfer.getBuffer()[:xfer.getActualLength()] resp = self.usbip_ret_submit(seqnum, dev.packDevid(), direction, ep, -xfer.getStatus(), len(data), 0, bytes(data)) self.writer.write(resp) del self.urbs[seqnum] xfer.setBulk(ep | 0x80, buflen, callback) else: assert direction == USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.OUT, direction def callback(xfer_): if self.debug: self.debug_log(f'OUT callback seqnum 0x{seqnum:x} ep {ep:d} status {xfer.getStatus():d} {xfer_.buffer}',) resp = self.usbip_ret_submit(seqnum, dev.packDevid(), direction, ep, -xfer.getStatus(), 0, 0, b'') self.writer.write(resp) del self.urbs[seqnum] xfer.setBulk(ep, buf, callback) self.urbs[seqnum] = USBIPPending(seqnum, dev, xfer) await xfer.submit()
[docs] async def handle_packet(self): """ Handle a USBIP packet. """ try: data = await self.reader.readexactly(2) except asyncio.IncompleteReadError: return False # Try to read a header of some kind. We can tell because if it's an # URB, the |op_common.version| is overlayed with the # |usbip_header_basic.command|, and so the |.version| is 0x0000; # otherwise, it's supposed to be 0x0106. (version,) = struct.unpack(">H", data) if version == 0x0000: # Note that we've already trimmed the version. data = await self.reader.readexactly(self.OP_COMMON_SIZE) (opcode, seqnum, devid, direction, ep) = struct.unpack(self.OP_COMMON, data) if devid not in self.devices: raise USBIPProtocolErrorException(f'devid unattached 0x{devid:x}') dev = self.devices[devid] if opcode == USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT: await self.handle_urb_submit(seqnum, dev, direction, ep) elif opcode == USBIP_CMD_UNLINK: await self.handle_urb_unlink(seqnum, dev, direction, ep) elif opcode == USBIP_RESET_DEV: raise NotImplementedError("URB_RESET_DEV") else: raise USBIPProtocolErrorException(f'bad USBIP URB {opcode:x}') elif (version & 0xff00) == 0x0100: # Note that we've already trimmed the version. op_common = ">HI" data = await self.reader.readexactly(struct.calcsize(op_common)) (opcode, status) = struct.unpack(op_common, data) if opcode == USBIP_OP_UNSPEC | USBIP_REQUEST: self.writer.write(struct.pack(">HHI", version, USBIP_OP_UNSPEC | USBIP_REPLY, USBIP_ST_OK)) elif opcode == USBIP_OP_DEVINFO | USBIP_REQUEST: data = await self.reader.readexactly(USBIP_BUS_ID_SIZE) raise NotImplementedError("DEVINFO") # writer.write(struct.pack(">HHI", version, USBIP_OP_DEVINFO | USBIP_REPLY, USBIP_ST_NA) elif opcode == USBIP_OP_DEVLIST | USBIP_REQUEST: await self.handle_op_devlist() elif opcode == USBIP_OP_IMPORT | USBIP_REQUEST: data = (await self.reader.readexactly(USBIP_BUS_ID_SIZE)).decode().rstrip('\0') await self.handle_op_import(data) else: raise USBIPProtocolErrorException(f'Unknown USBIP op 0x{opcode:x}') else: raise USBIPProtocolErrorException(f"unsupported USBIP version 0x{version:02x}") return True
[docs] async def connection(self): if self.debug: self.debug_log('connect') _e = None while True: try: success = await self.handle_packet() await self.writer.drain() if not success: break except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() if self.debug: self.debug_log('force disconnect due to exception') _e = e break if self.debug: self.debug_log('disconnect') for i in self.devices: self.devices[i].hnd.close() self.devices[i] = None await self.writer.drain() self.writer.close() if _e is not None and self.server._die_on_exception: raise _e