Source code for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.sim.usbip.session_recorder

from asyncio.streams import StreamReader, StreamWriter
from asyncio.tasks import sleep
from collections  import deque
import struct
import time
from typing import List, Deque, Tuple, Set

from import iter_with_last
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.descriptors.std import USB_ENDPOINT_DIR
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.sim.usbip.connection import USBIPConnection
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.sim.usbip.constants import USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.sim.usbip.server import UsbipServer
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_usb_agent import UtmiUsbAgent
from hwtSimApi.hdlSimulator import HdlSimulator
from math import inf
from hwtSimApi.constants import Time

[docs]class UsbipServerSessionRecorder(): """ Used to record the client-server communication in :class:`hwtLib.peripheral.usb.sim.usbip.server.UsbipServer` for later replay. """
[docs] class Reader():
[docs] def __init__(self, sim: HdlSimulator, original: StreamReader, dst: List[List[int]]): self.dst = dst self.sim = sim self.original = original
[docs] async def readexactly(self, size): v = await self.original.readexactly(size) self.dst.append((, 'r', list(v))) return v
[docs] class Writer():
[docs] def __init__(self, sim: HdlSimulator, original: StreamWriter, dst: List[List[int]]): self.dst = dst self.original = original self.sim = sim
[docs] def write(self, data): self.original.write(data) self.dst.append((, 'w', list(data)))
[docs] async def drain(self): pass
[docs] def close(self): pass
[docs] def get_extra_info(self, name): return self.original.get_extra_info(name)
[docs] def __init__(self, sim: HdlSimulator): self.session_data = [] self.sim = sim
[docs] def apply(self, reader: StreamReader, writer: StreamWriter): data = [] reader = self.Reader(self.sim, reader, data) writer = self.Writer(self.sim, writer, data) self.session_data.append(data) return reader, writer
[docs]class UsbipServerReplayer(UsbipServer):
[docs] class Reader():
[docs] def __init__(self, sim: HdlSimulator, data: Deque[Tuple[int, str, List[int]]]): = data self.sim = sim
[docs] async def readexactly(self, size) -> bytes: t, rw, d = assert rw == 'r', (t, rw, "Expected write instead") while t > await sleep(0.001) assert len(d) == size, (d, size) return bytes(d)
[docs] class Writer():
[docs] def __init__(self, sim: HdlSimulator, ref_data: Deque[List[int]]): self.ref_data = ref_data self.sim = sim
[docs] def get_extra_info(self, name): if name != 'peername': raise NotImplementedError() return "sim"
[docs] def write(self, data: bytes): t, rw, d = self.ref_data.popleft() assert rw == 'w', (t, rw, "Expected read instead") d = bytes(d) assert d == data, (d, data) while t > time.sleep(0.001)
[docs] async def drain(self): pass
[docs] def close(self): assert not self.ref_data
[docs] def __init__(self, usb_ag: UtmiUsbAgent, session_data, debug=False): self.usb_ag = usb_ag self.session_data = session_data self._debug = debug self._server = None self._loop = None self._die_on_exception = debug self._terminated = False
[docs] def _start_server(self, loop): if len(self.session_data) != 1: raise NotImplementedError() data = deque(self.session_data[0]) coro = loop.create_task(self.on_usbip_connection( self.Reader(self.usb_ag.sim, data), self.Writer(self.usb_ag.sim, data) )) return coro
[docs] async def on_usbip_connection(self, reader: StreamReader, writer: StreamWriter): conn = USBIPConnection(self, reader, writer) await conn.connection()
[docs]def cut_off_empty_time_segments(data: List[Tuple[int, str, List[int]]], time_segments: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> List[Tuple[int, str, List[int]]]: """ :note: if time segments contains some transaction the assertion error is raised :note: if segment (0,10) is cut off from times 0, 10, 11 it becomes 0, 1, 2 :param time_segments: list of ranges of times to cut off (the time after is shifted) :return: filtered list of data from input """ new_data = [] t_offset = 0 intervals = iter(time_segments) next_interval = next(intervals) for (t, rw, d) in data: while t >= next_interval[1]: # while current time si behind the interval substract the duration of interval t_offset -= next_interval[1] - next_interval[0] try: next_interval = next(intervals) except StopIteration: next_interval = (inf, inf) # assert t <= next_interval[0], (t, next_interval) new_data.append((t + t_offset, rw, d)) return new_data
[docs]def filter_empty_in(_data: List[Tuple[int, str, List[int]]], seqnum_to_rm: Set[int]) -> List[Tuple[int, str, List[int]]]: """ Remove empty IN transfers from endpoints other than 0 and remove transactions by seqnum :param _data: list of tuples time, r/w, list of bytes :param seqnum_to_rm: set of seqnum to remove (all parts of the transaction with that specified seqnum are removed entirely) :param cut_off_segments: list of ranges of times to cut off (the time after is shifted) :return: filtered list of data from input """ data = iter(enumerate(_data)) to_delete = [] while True: try: i, (_, rw, d) = next(data) if rw == 'r': if len(d) == 2: (version,) = struct.unpack(">H", bytes(d)) if version == 0x0000: current = [i] i, (_, rw, d) = next(data) if len(d) == USBIPConnection.OP_COMMON_SIZE: (opcode, seqnum, devid, direction, ep) = \ struct.unpack(USBIPConnection.OP_COMMON, bytes(d)) current.append(i) if opcode == USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT and seqnum in seqnum_to_rm: # removed because of its seqnum i, (_, rw, d) = next(data) # submit command body assert len(d) == USBIPConnection.OP_SUBMIT_SIZE current.append(i) assert len(d) == USBIPConnection.OP_SUBMIT_SIZE (_, buflen, _, _, _, _) = \ struct.unpack(USBIPConnection.OP_SUBMIT, bytes(d)) if direction == USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.OUT and buflen: i, (_, rw, d) = next(data) # submit command data assert len(d) == buflen current.append(i) # get command return i, (_, rw, d) = next(data) current.append(i) assert rw == 'w', (rw, d) to_delete.extend(current) elif opcode == USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT and ep != 0 and direction == USB_ENDPOINT_DIR.IN: # potentially remove if it is empty IN # get command body i, (_, rw, d) = next(data) # submit command body current.append(i) assert len(d) == USBIPConnection.OP_SUBMIT_SIZE (_, buflen, _, _, _, _) = \ struct.unpack(USBIPConnection.OP_SUBMIT, bytes(d)) # get command return i, (_, rw, d) = next(data) current.append(i) assert rw == 'w' resp = USBIPConnection.usbip_ret_submit( seqnum, devid, direction, ep, 0, len(b''), 0, b'') if bytes(d) == resp: to_delete.extend(current) except StopIteration: break return [d for i, d in enumerate(_data) if i not in to_delete]
if __name__ == "__main__": import json with open("UsbipTC_test_cdc_vcp.json") as f: _data = json.load(f) _data = filter_empty_in( _data[0], set(range(0x5746, 0x5746 + 16)) # {0x564c, 0x564d, 0x564e, 0x564f, 0x5650, 0x5651, 0x5652, 0x5653, # 0x5654, 0x5655, 0x5656, 0x5657, 0x5658, 0x5659, 0x565a, 0x565b} ) _data = cut_off_empty_time_segments(_data, [ #(6 *, 9 *, #(24 *, 33 *, #(41 *, 52 *, (55 *, 65 * ]) # print(_data) with open("UsbipTC_test_cdc_vcp2.json", 'w') as f: f.write("[[\n") for last, x in iter_with_last(_data): f.write(" ") f.write(json.dumps(x)) if last: f.write("\n") else: f.write(",\n") f.write("]]\n")