Source code for hwtLib.handshaked.splitPrioritized

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from hwt.code import Or, connect
from hwtLib.handshaked.splitCopy import HsSplitCopy

[docs]class HsSplitPrioritized(HsSplitCopy): """ Split input stream to n output streams Data is send to output interface which is ready and has lowest index combinational .. aafig:: +-------+ +------> out0 | | +-------+ +-------+ input stream | | +-------+ +-------------> split +------> out1 | | | +-------+ +-------+ | +-------+ +------> out2 | +-------+ """
[docs] def _declr(self): HsSplitCopy._declr(self)
[docs] def _impl(self): dataOut = list(reversed(self.dataOut)) self.getRd(self.dataIn)(Or(*map(lambda x: self.getRd(x), dataOut))) for i, out in enumerate(dataOut): allWitLowerPriority = dataOut[i+1:] vld = self.getVld(self.dataIn) for _vld in map(lambda x: ~self.getRd(x), allWitLowerPriority): vld = vld & _vld connect(self.dataIn, out, exclude={self.getRd(out), self.getVld(out)}) self.getVld(out)(vld)
if __name__ == "__main__": from hwt.interfaces.std import Handshaked from hwt.synthesizer.utils import toRtl u = HsSplitPrioritized(Handshaked) u.OUTPUTS.set(4) print(toRtl(u))