Source code for hwtLib.amba.axi_comp.buff_cdc

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from hwt.interfaces.std import Clk, Rst_n
from hwt.math import isPow2
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwtLib.amba.axi_comp.buff import AxiBuff
from hwtLib.amba.axis_comp.builder import AxiSBuilder

[docs]class AxiBuffCdc(AxiBuff): """ Clock domain crossing with buffers for AXI3/4/Lite and others :note: for DEPTH = 1 CDC register is used, else AsyncFifo .. hwt-autodoc:: _example_AxiBuffCdc """ def _config(self): AxiBuff._config(self) self.ADDR_BUFF_DEPTH += 1 self.DATA_BUFF_DEPTH += 1 self.M_FREQ = Param(int(102e6)) self.S_FREQ = Param(int(102e6))
[docs] def _setup_clk_rst_n(self): self.clk.FREQ = self.M_FREQ self.rst_n._make_association(clk=self.clk) self.s._make_association(clk=self.clk, rst=self.rst_n) self.m_clk = Clk() self.m_clk.FREQ = self.S_FREQ self.m_rst_n = Rst_n() self.m_rst_n._make_association(clk=self.m_clk) self.m._make_association(clk=self.m_clk, rst=self.m_rst_n) assert self.ADDR_BUFF_DEPTH == 1 or isPow2(self.ADDR_BUFF_DEPTH - 1), ( self.ADDR_BUFF_DEPTH, "size 2**n + 1 for output reg") assert self.DATA_BUFF_DEPTH == 1 or isPow2(self.DATA_BUFF_DEPTH - 1), ( self.DATA_BUFF_DEPTH, "size 2**n + 1 for output reg")
def _declr(self): super(AxiBuffCdc, self)._declr() self._setup_clk_rst_n() def _impl(self): ADDR_DEPTH = self.ADDR_BUFF_DEPTH DATA_DEPTH = self.DATA_BUFF_DEPTH for name, m, s, depth in [("ar",,, ADDR_DEPTH), ("aw",,, ADDR_DEPTH), ("w", self.s.w, self.m.w, DATA_DEPTH)]: i = AxiSBuilder(self, m, name).buff_cdc( items=depth, clk=self.m_clk, rst=self.m_rst_n, ).end s(i) for name, m, s, depth in [("r", self.m.r, self.s.r, DATA_DEPTH), ("b", self.m.b, self.s.b, ADDR_DEPTH)]: i = AxiSBuilder(self, m, name).buff_cdc( items=depth, clk=self.clk, rst=self.rst_n, ).end s(i)
[docs]def _example_AxiBuffCdc(): from hwtLib.amba.axi4 import Axi4 u = AxiBuffCdc(Axi4) return u
if __name__ == "__main__": from hwt.synthesizer.utils import to_rtl_str u = _example_AxiBuffCdc() print(to_rtl_str(u))