Source code for hwtLib.amba.axi_comp.oooOp.outOfOrderCummulativeOp

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from math import ceil
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from hwt.code import If, Concat, SwitchLogic, Switch
from hwt.code_utils import rename_signal
from hwt.hdl.constants import WRITE, READ
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import BIT
from hwt.hdl.types.hdlType import HdlType
from hwt.interfaces.structIntf import StructIntf
from hwt.interfaces.utils import addClkRstn, propagateClkRstn
from hwt.math import log2ceil
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.interfaceUtils.utils import packIntf
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from hwtLib.amba.axi4 import Axi4, Axi4_addr, Axi4_r, Axi4_w
from hwtLib.amba.axi_comp.lsu.fifo_oooread import FifoOutOfOrderRead
from hwtLib.amba.axi_comp.oooOp.utils import OutOfOrderCummulativeOpIntf, \
    OOOOpPipelineStage, OutOfOrderCummulativeOpPipelineConfig
from hwtLib.amba.constants import BURST_INCR, PROT_DEFAULT, BYTES_IN_TRANS, \
from hwtLib.handshaked.reg import HandshakedReg
from hwtLib.handshaked.streamNode import StreamNode
from hwtLib.mem.ram import RamSingleClock
from hwtLib.types.ctypes import uint32_t, uint8_t
from pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils import mask

[docs]class OutOfOrderCummulativeOp(Unit): """ Out of order container of read-modify-write cummulative operation. This is a component template for cumulative Out of Order operations with hihgh latency AXI. Suitable for counter arrays, hash tables and other data structures which are acessing data randomly and potential collision due read-modify-write operations may occure. This component stores info about currently executed memory transactions which may be finished out of order. Potential memory access colisions are solved by write forwarding in main pipeline. In order to compensate for memory write latency the write history is utilised. The write history is a set of registers on the end of the pipeline. Note that the write history is not meant as a main mechanism for write latency compensation. It is meant to be used for 3-4 items to componsate for latency of the cache/LSU. If the main operation requires multiple clock cycles the operation is performed speculatively. The most up-to-date version of the data is always selected on the input of WRITE_BACK stage. .. figure:: ./_static/OutOfOrderCummulativeOp_pipeline.png The STATE_LOAD stage is meant for all write forwarding. The value in this stage is always updated to the latest version (with an exception of WRITE_BACK stage, explained later). The WRITE_BACK stage contains the data which is written to RAM. From this stage the value is confirmed. And the first data in pipeline from this stage is the latest version of it. Because we can not predict the value for WRITE_STAGE when updating STATE_LOAD we have to consider 2 possible values. The value in STATE_LOAD which holds latest value except for WRITE_BACK stage and the WRITE_BACK stage which holds the lates data for a latest transaction. :ivar MAIN_STATE_T: a type of the state in main memory which is being updated by this component :note: If MAIN_STATE_T.bit_length() is smaller than DATA_WIDTH each item is allocated in a signle bus word separately in order to avoid alignment logic :ivar TRANSACTION_STATE_T: a type of the transaction state, used to store additional data for transaction and can be used to modify the behavior of the pipeline :note: provides axi aw and first w word in same clock cycle only """ def _config(self): # number of items in main array is resolved from ADDR_WIDTH and size of STATE_T # number of concurent thread is resolved as 2**ID_WIDTH self.MAIN_STATE_T: Optional[HdlType] = Param(uint32_t) self.TRANSACTION_STATE_T: Optional[HdlType] = Param(uint8_t) self.PIPELINE_CONFIG: OutOfOrderCummulativeOpPipelineConfig = Param( OutOfOrderCummulativeOpPipelineConfig.new_config( WRITE_TO_WRITE_ACK_LATENCY=1, WRITE_ACK_TO_READ_DATA_LATENCY=1) ) Axi4._config(self)
[docs] def _init_constants(self): MAIN_STATE_T = self.MAIN_STATE_T # constant precomputation self.ADDR_OFFSET_W = log2ceil(max(MAIN_STATE_T.bit_length(), self.DATA_WIDTH) // 8) self.MAIN_STATE_INDEX_WIDTH = self.ADDR_WIDTH - self.ADDR_OFFSET_W self.MAIN_STATE_ITEMS_CNT = (2 ** self.MAIN_STATE_INDEX_WIDTH) self.BUS_WORD_CNT = ceil(self.MAIN_STATE_T.bit_length() / self.DATA_WIDTH)
def _declr(self): addClkRstn(self) self._init_constants() with self._paramsShared(): self.m = Axi4()._m() self.ooo_fifo = FifoOutOfOrderRead() self.ooo_fifo.ITEMS = 2 ** self.ID_WIDTH sa = self.state_array = RamSingleClock() sa.PORT_CNT = (WRITE, READ) sa.ADDR_WIDTH = self.ID_WIDTH TRANSACTION_STATE_T = self.TRANSACTION_STATE_T # address + TRANSACTION_STATE_T sa.DATA_WIDTH = self.MAIN_STATE_INDEX_WIDTH + ( 0 if TRANSACTION_STATE_T is None else TRANSACTION_STATE_T.bit_length() ) self._declr_io()
[docs] def _declr_io(self): # index of the item to increment din = self.dataIn = OutOfOrderCummulativeOpIntf() dout = self.dataOut = OutOfOrderCummulativeOpIntf()._m() for i in [din, dout]: i.MAIN_STATE_INDEX_WIDTH = self.MAIN_STATE_INDEX_WIDTH i.TRANSACTION_STATE_T = self.TRANSACTION_STATE_T din.MAIN_STATE_T = None dout.MAIN_STATE_T = self.MAIN_STATE_T
[docs] def main_op(self, dst_st: OOOOpPipelineStage, src_st: OOOOpPipelineStage) -> RtlSignal: """ Interpretation of main operatorion of the pipeline. """ raise NotImplementedError("Override this in your implementation of this abstract component")
[docs] def _axi_addr_defaults(self, a: Axi4_addr): """ Set default values for AXI address channel signals """ a.len(self.BUS_WORD_CNT - 1) a.burst(BURST_INCR) a.prot(PROT_DEFAULT) a.size(BYTES_IN_TRANS(self.DATA_WIDTH // 8)) a.lock(LOCK_DEFAULT) a.cache(CACHE_DEFAULT) a.qos(QOS_DEFAULT)
[docs] def ar_dispatch(self): """ Send read request on AXI and store transaction in to state array and ooo_fifo for later wake up """ ooo_fifo = self.ooo_fifo ar = din = self.dataIn assert din.addr._dtype.bit_length() == self.ADDR_WIDTH - self.ADDR_OFFSET_W, ( din.addr._dtype.bit_length(), self.ADDR_WIDTH, self.ADDR_OFFSET_W) dataIn_reg = HandshakedReg(din.__class__) dataIn_reg._updateParamsFrom(din) self.dataIn_reg = dataIn_reg StreamNode( [din], [dataIn_reg.dataIn, ooo_fifo.write_confirm] ).sync() dataIn_reg.dataIn(din, exclude=[din.rd, din.vld]) ar_node = StreamNode( [dataIn_reg.dataOut, ooo_fifo.read_execute], [ar] ) ar_node.sync() state_arr = self.state_array state_write = state_arr.port[0] state_write.en(ar_node.ack()) state_write.addr(ooo_fifo.read_execute.index) din_data = dataIn_reg.dataOut state_write.din(packIntf(din_data, exclude=[din_data.rd, din_data.vld])) ar.addr(Concat(din_data.addr, Bits(self.ADDR_OFFSET_W).from_py(0))) self._axi_addr_defaults(ar)
[docs] def can_write_forward(self, src_st: OOOOpPipelineStage, dst_st: OOOOpPipelineStage): """ Used when collision detector is build. (for next value of st WRITE_BACK-1) """ assert src_st.index > 0 return src_st.valid & dst_st.valid & src_st.addr._eq(dst_st.addr)
[docs] def collision_detector(self, pipeline: List[OOOOpPipelineStage]) -> List[List[RtlSignal]]: """ Search for address access collisions in pipeline and store the result of colision check to registers for data write forwarding in next clock cycle. The collision detector is build for STATE_LOAD (<P.WRITE_BACK) stages because we need to have collision information stored in registers in order to have enough time to do muxing in P.WRITE_BACK stage input. """ P = self.PIPELINE_CONFIG # dst = self.pipeline[P.STATE_LOAD] for dst in pipeline[P.STATE_LOAD - 1:P.WRITE_BACK + 1]: # construct colision detector flags dst: OOOOpPipelineStage if dst.index not in [P.STATE_LOAD - 1, P.STATE_LOAD, P.WRITE_BACK]: # because we do not need to update stages before # and we can not update write history continue dst.collision_detect = [ 0 for _ in range(P.WRITE_BACK) ] # for each stage which can potentially update a data in this stage # :note: there we compare only addresss which are not affected by write bypass # in next clock cycle the stage may have same value or the value from previous stage for src_i in range(P.WRITE_BACK, len(pipeline)): src = pipeline[src_i] cd = None if dst.index == P.WRITE_BACK: if src_i != P.WRITE_BACK: # could be updated only from this stage because otherwise # the input data is asserted to be already in latest version cd = BIT.from_py(0) elif dst.index == P.STATE_LOAD or dst.index == P.STATE_LOAD - 1: if src_i <= P.STATE_LOAD: cd = BIT.from_py(0) else: cd = BIT.from_py(0) if cd is None: cd = self._sig(f"{}_collision_from_{src_i:d}") cd(self.can_write_forward(src, dst)) dst.collision_detect.append(cd) assert len(dst.collision_detect) == len(self.pipeline), (dst.collision_detect, len(self.pipeline))
[docs] def write_forwarding_en(self, dst_st_load: RtlSignal, dst_st: OOOOpPipelineStage, dst_prev_st: OOOOpPipelineStage, src_st_i: int): # the previous which is beeing loaded into this is colliding with src return dst_st_load._ternary( dst_prev_st.collision_detect[src_st_i], dst_st.collision_detect[src_st_i] if dst_st.index != self.PIPELINE_CONFIG.WRITE_BACK else BIT.from_py(0) # do overwrite the already written data )
[docs] def apply_data_write_forwarding(self, st: OOOOpPipelineStage, st_load_en: RtlSignal, data_modifier=lambda dst_st, src_st: assert st.collision_detect, st st_prev = self.pipeline[st.index - 1] assert st_prev.collision_detect, st def is_not_0(sig): return not (isinstance(sig, int) and sig == 0) # we can write forward to a stages from STATE_LOAD to WRITE_BACK # however we can not replace the valid value in WRITE_BACK stage # and we need to wait on load_en res = SwitchLogic([ ( rename_signal(self, self.write_forwarding_en(st_load_en, st, st_prev, src_i), f"write_forwarding_en_{st.index}from{src_st.index}"), # forward data instead of data from previous stage data_modifier(st, src_st) ) for src_i, src_st in enumerate(self.pipeline) if ( # filter out stage combinations which do not have forwarding is_not_0(st.collision_detect[src_i]) or is_not_0(st_prev.collision_detect[src_i]) ) ] + [ (st_load_en, data_modifier(st, st_prev)), ], ) return res
[docs] def data_load(self, r: Axi4_r, st0: OOOOpPipelineStage): """ Receive all data words from a bus and store them into stage of the pipeline. """ if self.BUS_WORD_CNT > 1: LD_CNTR_MAX = self.BUS_WORD_CNT - 1 cntr = self._reg("r_load_cntr", Bits(log2ceil(self.BUS_WORD_CNT)), def_val=0) If(r.valid & r.ready, If(cntr._eq(LD_CNTR_MAX), cntr(0) ).Else( cntr(cntr + 1) ) ) else: cntr = None data_w = st_w = self.MAIN_STATE_T.bit_length() offset = 0 cases = [] st_data_flat = while offset < st_w: i = offset // data_w end = min(st_w, offset + data_w) w = end - offset cases.append((i, st_data_flat[end:offset]([w:]))) offset += data_w If(st0.load_en,, ) if cntr is None: assert len(cases) == 1, cases ld_stm = cases[0][1] else: ld_stm = Switch(cntr)\ .add_cases(cases) If(~st0.valid | st0.out_ready, ld_stm )
[docs] def data_store(self, st_data: Union[StructIntf, RtlSignal], w: Axi4_w, ack: RtlSignal): """ Transceive all data words from stage of pipeline to the bus. :param ack: signal which is 1 if the data word is transfered on this write channel """ if not isinstance(st_data, RtlSignal): st_data = packIntf(st_data) data_w = self.DATA_WIDTH w.strb(mask(self.DATA_WIDTH // 8)) st_w = self.MAIN_STATE_T.bit_length() word_cnt = self.BUS_WORD_CNT if word_cnt > 1: w_word_cntr = self._reg("w_word_cntr", Bits(log2ceil(word_cnt)), def_val=0) st_data_flat = st_data._reinterpret_cast(Bits(st_w)) offset = 0 cases = [] while offset < st_w: i = offset // data_w end = min(st_w, offset + data_w) src = st_data_flat[end:offset] padding = (offset + data_w) - end if padding: assert padding > 0 src = Concat(Bits(padding).from_py(0), src) cases.append((i, offset += data_w If(ack, If(w.last, w_word_cntr(0) ).Else( w_word_cntr(w_word_cntr + 1) ), ) Switch(w_word_cntr)\ .add_cases(cases)\ .Default( w.last(w_word_cntr._eq(word_cnt - 1)) else: w.last(1)
[docs] def propagate_trans_st(self, stage_from: OOOOpPipelineStage, stage_to: OOOOpPipelineStage): """ Propagate transaction state between two pipeline stages. """ HAS_TRANS_ST = self.TRANSACTION_STATE_T is not None if HAS_TRANS_ST: return stage_to.transaction_state(stage_from.transaction_state) else: return ()
[docs] def write_cancel(self, st: OOOOpPipelineStage): """ :return: A signal/value which if it is 1 it means that the write back of this state should not be performed. """ return BIT.from_py(0)
[docs] def main_pipeline(self): """ Create all pipeline stages and connect them together. """ P = self.PIPELINE_CONFIG self.pipeline = pipeline = [ OOOOpPipelineStage(i, f"st{i:d}", self, has_transaction_state=i <= P.WAIT_FOR_WRITE_ACK) for i in range(P.WAIT_FOR_WRITE_ACK + P.WRITE_HISTORY_SIZE + 1) ] state_read = self.state_array.port[1] HAS_TRANS_ST = self.TRANSACTION_STATE_T is not None for i, dst_st in enumerate(pipeline): dst_st: OOOOpPipelineStage if i > 0: # if not first st_prev = pipeline[i - 1] else: st_prev = None if i < len(pipeline) - 1: # if not last st_next = pipeline[i + 1] else: st_next = None # :note: pipeline stages described in P enum if i == P.READ_DATA_RECEIVE: # :note: we can not apply forward write data there because we do not know the original address yet r = self.m.r state_read.addr( dst_st.addr = state_read.dout[self.MAIN_STATE_INDEX_WIDTH:] if HAS_TRANS_ST: low = self.MAIN_STATE_INDEX_WIDTH dst_st.transaction_state = state_read.dout[:low]._reinterpret_cast(self.TRANSACTION_STATE_T) dst_st.in_valid(r.valid & r.last) r.ready(dst_st.in_ready) dst_st.out_ready(st_next.in_ready) state_read.en(dst_st.load_en) self.data_load(r, dst_st) elif i <= P.STATE_LOAD: If(dst_st.load_en,, dst_st.addr(st_prev.addr), self.propagate_trans_st(st_prev, dst_st), *([] if i != P.STATE_LOAD else []), ) # update the data to a latest value from all successor stages if i == P.STATE_LOAD: self.collision_detector(pipeline) self.apply_data_write_forwarding(dst_st, dst_st.load_en) dst_st.in_valid(st_prev.out_valid) dst_st.out_ready(st_next.in_ready) elif i == P.WRITE_BACK: # when computing a new value for WRITE_BACK we need to check its last value # because it takes 1 clock cycle to update the data in STATE_LOAD state wr_forward_from_self = rename_signal( self, dst_st.load_en & st_prev.collision_detect[dst_st.index], f"write_forwarding_en_{dst_st.index}from{dst_st.index}") # :note: the data in this stage is waiting to be written and leaves this stage after it was written If(dst_st.load_en,, dst_st.addr(st_prev.addr), self.propagate_trans_st(st_prev, dst_st), # lates write was not catched by update of the previous stage # that is why we have to check this specific case there If(wr_forward_from_self, self.main_op(dst_st, dst_st), # st prev is missing last update from this stage ).Else( self.main_op(dst_st, st_prev), # st prev is already upto date ) ) aw = w = self.m.w cancel = rename_signal(self, self.write_cancel(dst_st), "write_back_cancel") dst_st.in_valid(st_prev.out_valid) w_first_data_word = self._reg("w_first_data_word", def_val=1) # this stage has to have data, last word must wait on next stage ready w_channel_en = dst_st.valid & (st_next.in_ready | ~w.last) & ~cancel w_channel_ack = (w.valid & w.ready & w.last) | cancel dst_st.out_valid = dst_st.valid & w_channel_ack dst_st.out_ready(st_next.in_ready & w_channel_ack) w_sync = StreamNode( [], [aw, w], extraConds={ aw: w_channel_en & w_first_data_word, w: w_channel_en }, skipWhen={ aw:cancel | ~w_first_data_word, w:cancel, } ) w_sync.sync() self._axi_addr_defaults(aw) aw.addr(Concat(dst_st.addr, Bits(self.ADDR_OFFSET_W).from_py(0))) st_data = w_ack = w_sync.ack() & w_channel_en If(w_ack, w_first_data_word(w.last) ) self.data_store(st_data, w, w_ack) elif i > P.WRITE_BACK and i != P.WAIT_FOR_WRITE_ACK: # just pass data between WRITE_BACK -> WAIT_FOR_WRITE_ACK and WAIT_FOR_WRITE_ACK -> end of write history if i > P.WAIT_FOR_WRITE_ACK: # this is a last stage, we need to consume the item only if there is some new in_vld = pipeline[P.WAIT_FOR_WRITE_ACK].out_valid dst_st.in_valid(st_prev.out_valid & in_vld) dst_st.out_ready(in_vld) else: # WRITE_BACK ... WAIT_FOR_WRITE assert i > P.WRITE_BACK, i assert i < P.WAIT_FOR_WRITE_ACK, i # next is ready to accept data or this stage has no data dst_st.in_valid(st_prev.out_valid) dst_st.out_ready(st_next.in_ready | ~dst_st.valid) If(dst_st.load_en,, dst_st.addr(st_prev.addr),, *(self.propagate_trans_st(st_prev, dst_st) if i < P.WAIT_FOR_WRITE_ACK else []), ) elif i == P.WAIT_FOR_WRITE_ACK: If(dst_st.load_en,, dst_st.addr(st_prev.addr), self.propagate_trans_st(st_prev, dst_st),, ) dout = self.dataOut b = self.m.b confirm = self.ooo_fifo.read_confirm cancel = rename_signal(self, self.write_cancel(dst_st), "wait_for_ack_cancel") # ommiting st_next.ready as there is no next w_ack_node = StreamNode( [b], [dout, confirm], extraConds={ dout: dst_st.valid, b: dst_st.valid & ~cancel, confirm: dst_st.valid, }, skipWhen={ b: dst_st.valid & cancel, } ) w_ack_node.sync() dst_st.in_valid(st_prev.out_valid) dst_st.out_ready((b.valid | cancel) & dout.rd & confirm.rd & dout.rd) dst_st.out_valid = dst_st.valid & b.valid & dout.rd & confirm.rd & dout.rd dout.addr(dst_st.addr) if HAS_TRANS_ST: dout.transaction_state(dst_st.transaction_state) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown stage of pipeline")
def _impl(self): self.ar_dispatch() self.main_pipeline() propagateClkRstn(self)