Source code for hwtLib.amba.axi_comp.resize

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Optional

from hwt.code import Concat, Switch
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.interfaces.std import Handshaked
from hwt.interfaces.utils import addClkRstn, propagateClkRstn
from hwt.math import log2ceil
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwtLib.abstract.busBridge import BusBridge
from hwtLib.amba.axi4Lite import Axi4Lite
from hwtLib.amba.axis_comp.builder import AxiSBuilder
from hwtLib.handshaked.fifo import HandshakedFifo
from hwtLib.handshaked.streamNode import StreamNode

[docs]class AxiResize(BusBridge): """ Change DATA_WIDTH of axi interface .. hwt-autodoc:: _example_AxiResize """
[docs] def __init__(self, intfCls, hdl_name_override:Optional[str]=None): self.intfCls = intfCls super(AxiResize, self).__init__(hdl_name_override=hdl_name_override)
def _config(self): self.INTF_CLS = Param(self.intfCls) self.intfCls._config(self) self.OUT_DATA_WIDTH = Param(self.DATA_WIDTH) self.OUT_ADDR_WIDTH = Param(self.ADDR_WIDTH) self.MAX_TRANS_OVERLAP = Param(4) def _declr(self): addClkRstn(self) self.ALIGN_BITS_IN = log2ceil((self.DATA_WIDTH // 8) - 1) self.ALIGN_BITS_OUT = log2ceil((self.OUT_DATA_WIDTH // 8) - 1) assert self.ALIGN_BITS_IN <= self.ADDR_WIDTH, (self.ALIGN_BITS_IN, self.ADDR_WIDTH) assert self.ALIGN_BITS_OUT <= self.OUT_ADDR_WIDTH, (self.ALIGN_BITS_OUT, self.OUT_ADDR_WIDTH) with self._paramsShared(): self.s = self.intfCls() with self._paramsShared(): self.m = self.intfCls()._m() self.m.ADDR_WIDTH = self.OUT_ADDR_WIDTH self.m.DATA_WIDTH = self.OUT_DATA_WIDTH
[docs] def propagate_addr(self, m_a, s_a): name_prefix = m_a._name + "_" AL_IN_W = self.ALIGN_BITS_IN AL_OUT_W = self.ALIGN_BITS_OUT ALIG_W = AL_OUT_W - AL_IN_W assert ALIG_W > 0, ALIG_W m_a = AxiSBuilder(self, m_a).buff().end align_fifo = HandshakedFifo(Handshaked) align_fifo.DATA_WIDTH = ALIG_W align_fifo.DEPTH = self.MAX_TRANS_OVERLAP setattr(self, name_prefix + "align_fifo", align_fifo) aligned_addr = Concat(m_a.addr[:AL_OUT_W], Bits(AL_OUT_W).from_py(0))[AL_OUT_W:AL_IN_W]) s_a(m_a, exclude={m_a.addr, m_a.valid, m_a.ready}) StreamNode( masters=[m_a], slaves=[s_a, align_fifo.dataIn], ).sync() s_a.addr(aligned_addr, fit=self.ADDR_WIDTH != self.OUT_ADDR_WIDTH) return align_fifo
[docs] def connect_with_padding(self, src, src_range, dst, dst_range): src_h, src_l = src_range dst_h, dst_l = dst_range src_w = src._dtype.bit_length() dst_w = dst._dtype.bit_length() if dst_w < src_w: return dst(src[src_h:src_l]) else: data = [] if dst_h < dst_w: data.append(Bits(dst_w - dst_h).from_py(0)) data.append(src[src_h:src_l]) if dst_l > 0: data.append(Bits(dst_l).from_py(0)) return dst(Concat(*data))
[docs] def connect_shifted(self, src_ch, dst_ch, i): has_strb = hasattr(src_ch, "strb") has_keep = hasattr(src_ch, "keep") res = [] if i == 0: res.append(, fit=True)) if has_strb: res.append(dst_ch.strb(src_ch.strb, fit=True)) if has_keep: res.append(dst_ch.keep(src_ch.keep, fit=True)) else: # i > 0 dst_w = // 8 src_w = // 8 if dst_w < src_w: assert src_w % dst_w == 0, (src_w, dst_w) dst_l, dst_h = 0, dst_w src_l, src_h = i * dst_w, (i + 1) * dst_w else: assert dst_w % src_w == 0 dst_l, dst_h = i * src_w, (i + 1) * src_w src_l, src_h = 0, src_w c = self.connect_with_padding res.append( c(, (src_h * 8, src_l * 8),, (dst_h * 8, dst_l * 8)) ) if has_strb: res.append( c(src_ch.strb, (src_h, src_l), dst_ch.strb, (dst_h, dst_l)) ) if has_keep: res.append( c(src_ch.keep, (src_h, src_l), dst_ch.keep, (dst_h, dst_l)) ) return res
[docs] def select_data_word_from_ouput_word(self, m, s): w_align_fifo = self.propagate_addr(, r_align_fifo = self.propagate_addr(, AL_IN_W = self.ALIGN_BITS_IN AL_OUT_W = self.ALIGN_BITS_OUT ALIG_W = AL_OUT_W - AL_IN_W assert ALIG_W > 0, ALIG_W r_align_cases = [] w_align_cases = [] for i in range(2 ** ALIG_W): r_align_cases.append((i, self.connect_shifted(s.r, m.r, i))) w_align_cases.append((i, self.connect_shifted(m.w, s.w, i))) s.w(m.w, exclude={, m.w.strb, m.w.ready, m.w.valid}) StreamNode(masters=[m.w, w_align_fifo.dataOut], slaves=[s.w]).sync() Switch(\ .Default( # case which was unexpected or was filtered out by IN_ADDR_GRANULARITY, s.w.strb(None), ) m.r(s.r, exclude={, s.r.ready, s.r.valid}) StreamNode(masters=[s.r, r_align_fifo.dataOut], slaves=[m.r]).sync() Switch(\ .Default( # case which was unexpected or was filtered out by IN_ADDR_GRANULARITY, ) m.b(s.b)
def _impl(self): m, s = self.m, self.s has_len = hasattr(, "len") DW = self.DATA_WIDTH OUT_DW = self.OUT_DATA_WIDTH if DW == OUT_DW and self.ADDR_WIDTH == self.OUT_ADDR_WIDTH: raise AssertionError("It is useless to use this convertor" " if the interface is of same parameters") if has_len: # Axi3/4, etc if DW <= OUT_DW: # always reading/writing less data than is max of output raise NotImplementedError() else: # requires split to multiple transactions on output raise NotImplementedError() else: # Axi4Lite, etc if DW == OUT_DW: # always reading/writing less data than is max of output if self.ADDR_WIDTH != self.OUT_ADDR_WIDTH:, fit=True), fit=True) else: m.w(s.w, fit=True) s.r(m.r, fit=True) s.b(m.b) elif DW < OUT_DW: assert OUT_DW % DW == 0, (OUT_DW, DW) self.select_data_word_from_ouput_word(s, m) else: # requires split to multiple transactions on output raise NotImplementedError(DW, OUT_DW) propagateClkRstn(self)
[docs]def _example_AxiResize(): u = AxiResize(Axi4Lite) u.DATA_WIDTH = 32 u.OUT_DATA_WIDTH = 512 return u
if __name__ == "__main__": from hwt.synthesizer.utils import to_rtl_str u = _example_AxiResize() print(to_rtl_str(u))