Source code for hwtLib.amba.axis_comp.strformat_fn

import re
from typing import Generator, Union

from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from import HStream
from hwt.hdl.types.struct import HStruct
from hwt.interfaces.structIntf import Interface_to_HdlType
from hwt.synthesizer.typePath import TypePath
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from hwtLib.amba.axis import AxiStream
from hwtLib.amba.axis_comp.strformat import AxiS_strFormat, AxiS_strFormatItem

[docs]def _parse_format_groups(f_str: str) -> Generator[Union[str, AxiS_strFormatItem], None, None]: _tokens = re.split("([\{\}])", f_str) + [None, ] group_start = None current_group_body = None tokens = iter(enumerate(_tokens)) for i, t in tokens: if t is None: assert group_start is None break t_next = _tokens[i + 1] if group_start is None: if t == "{": if t_next == "{": # escape of { next(tokens) yield t elif t_next == None: raise ValueError("Group syntax error: missing closing } for { after reading:", tokens[:i + 1]) else: group_start = i elif t == '}': if t_next == '}': # escape of } next(tokens) yield t else: raise ValueError("Group syntax error: closing } without { after reading:", _tokens[:i + 1]) else: yield t else: if t == "{": raise ValueError("Group syntax error: { in a group after reading:", _tokens[:i + 1], ", this group starts at", group_start) elif t == "}": if not current_group_body: raise ValueError("Group syntax error: empty group after reading:", _tokens[:i + 1]) else: f = current_group_body.split(":") name_or_index = f[0] if len(f) == 1: format_type = None digits = None else: assert len(f) == 2, f format_type = f[1] for i, c in enumerate(format_type): if not c.isdigit(): break if i > 0: digits = int(format_type[:i]) else: digits = None format_type = format_type[i:] if name_or_index.isdigit(): name_or_index = int(name_or_index) yield AxiS_strFormatItem( TypePath(name_or_index), format_type, digits) current_group_body = None group_start = None else: assert not current_group_body, ( "group body has to be in a single string chunk", current_group_body, t) current_group_body = t
[docs]def axiS_strFormat(parent: Unit, name: str, data_width: int, format_str: str, *args, **kwargs): """ Instanciate an :class:`hwtLib.amba.axis_comp.strformat.AxiS_strFormat` using simplified str.format syntax The syntax is allows for an utf-8 string with a variable format groups and several escape sequences in addition to normal string escape sequences. The escape sequences are (same as :func:`str.format`) .. code-block:: text +=======+=================+ | char | escape sequence | +=======+=================+ | { | {{ | +-------+-----------------+ | } | }} | +-------+-----------------+ The syntax for format group is as folowing: .. code-block:: text {[index/name]:[nuber_of_digits][type]} * The index or name specifies the name or the index of the input parameter. * The width specifies how mahy digits should the output have. * Format types can be found at :class:`hwtLib.amba.axis_comp.strformat.AxiS_strFormatItem` * If nuber_of_digits starts with 0 the leading zeros will be used instead of default space char (' ') * The sign char is included in nuber_of_digits ('{0:04X}'.format(-1) == '-001') * The type is described in :class:`hwtLib.amba.axis_comp.strformat.AxiS_strFormatItem` """ f = AxiS_strFormat() f.DATA_WIDTH = data_width # construct input t for configuration arg_prefix = "arg_" while True: arg_names = [f"{arg_prefix}{a_i}" for a_i, _ in enumerate(args)] if not kwargs: break else: colliding = False for a in arg_names: if a in kwargs.keys(): colliding = True if colliding: arg_prefix = f"{arg_prefix}0_" else: break in_intf_name_tuples = [ *zip(args, arg_names), *[ (a, a_name) for a_name, a in sorted(kwargs.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) ] ] format_items = tuple(_parse_format_groups(format_str)) for fi in format_items: if isinstance(fi, str): continue elif isinstance(fi.member_path[0], int): # convert arg index to name in input interface fi.member_path = TypePath(arg_names[fi.member_path[0]]) arg_usage = {} for fi in format_items: if isinstance(fi, str): continue usage_cnt = arg_usage.get(fi.member_path, 0) + 1 arg_usage[fi.member_path] = usage_cnt if fi.format_type == 's': assert usage_cnt == 1, ("string arguments may be used only once as string is consumed") for i, (a, a_name) in enumerate(in_intf_name_tuples): assert arg_usage.get(TypePath(a_name), 0) > 0, ("arg ", i, " named ", a_name, " not used during formating") if in_intf_name_tuples: struct_members = [] for a, a_name in in_intf_name_tuples: if isinstance(a, AxiStream): t = HStream(Bits(8), start_offsets=[0]) else: t = Interface_to_HdlType().apply(a) struct_members.append((t, a_name)) f.INPUT_T = HStruct(*struct_members) else: f.INPUT_T = None f.FORMAT = tuple(format_items) # connect inputs setattr(parent, name, f) for a, a_name in in_intf_name_tuples: a_in = getattr(f.data_in, a_name) a_in(a) return f.data_out