Source code for hwtLib.avalon.builder

from hwtLib.abstract.componentBuilder import AbstractComponentBuilder
from hwtLib.amba.axi4 import Axi4
from hwtLib.amba.axi_comp.builder import AxiBuilder
from hwtLib.avalon.mmToAxi import AvalonMm_to_Axi4
from hwtLib.avalon.mm_buff import AvalonMmBuff

[docs]class AvalonMmBuilder(AbstractComponentBuilder): """ Helper class wich simplifies instantiation and configuration of common components for AvalonMM interfaces """ BuffCls = AvalonMmBuff
[docs] def _genericInstance(self, unit_cls, name, set_params=lambda u: u, update_params=True, propagate_clk_rst=True): """ Instantiate generic component and connect basics :param unit_cls: class of unit which is being created :param name: name for unit_cls instance :param set_params: function which updates parameters as is required (parameters are already shared with self.end interface) """ u = unit_cls() if update_params: u._updateParamsFrom(self.end) set_params(u) setattr(self.parent, self._findSuitableName(name), u) if propagate_clk_rst: self._propagateClkRstn(u) u.s(self.end) self.lastComp = u self.end = u.m return self
[docs] def buff(self, addr_items=1, data_items=1): return AxiBuilder.buff(self, addr_items=addr_items, data_items=data_items)
[docs] def to_axi(self, axi_cls, id_width=0): def applyParams(u: AvalonMm_to_Axi4): u.ID_WIDTH = id_width b = self._genericInstance(AvalonMm_to_Axi4, "avmm_to_axi4", set_params=applyParams) b = AxiBuilder(self.parent, b.end,, self.master_to_slave) if axi_cls is Axi4: return b else: return b.to_axi(axi_cls, id_width=id_width)