Source code for hwtLib.avalon.endpoint

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from hwt.code import If
from hwt.math import inRange
from hwtLib.abstract.busEndpoint import BusEndpoint

[docs]class AvalonMmEndpoint(BusEndpoint): """ Delegate request from bus to fields of structure :attention: interfaces are dynamically generated from names of fileds in structure template :attention: byte enable and register clock enable signals are ignored .. hwt-autodoc:: _example_AvalonMmEndpoint """ _getWordAddrStep = AvalonMM._getWordAddrStep _getAddrStep = AvalonMM._getAddrStep
[docs] def __init__(self, structTemplate, intfCls=AvalonMM, shouldEnterFn=None): BusEndpoint.__init__(self, structTemplate, intfCls=intfCls, shouldEnterFn=shouldEnterFn)
def _impl(self): self._parseTemplate() # build read data output mux bus = self.bus addr = bus.address addrVld = | bus.write wr = bus.write isInAddrRange = self.isInMyAddrRange(bus.address) wasInAddrRange = self._reg("wasInAddrRange") wasWr = self._reg("wasWr", def_val=0) rReq = self._reg("rReq", def_val=0) rAddr = self._reg("rAddr", dtype=addr._dtype) rReq( wasInAddrRange(isInAddrRange) wasWr(wr) If(, rAddr(addr), ) If(wasInAddrRange, bus.response(RESP_OKAY) ).Else( bus.response(RESP_SLAVEERROR) ) bus.waitRequest(0) bus.readDataValid(rReq) bus.writeResponseValid(wasWr) ADDR_STEP = self._getAddrStep() dataToBus = bus.readData(None) for (_, _), t in reversed(self._bramPortMapped): # map addr for bram ports _addr = t.bitAddr // ADDR_STEP _isMyAddr = inRange(addr, _addr, t.bitAddrEnd // ADDR_STEP) wasMyAddr = self._reg("wasMyAddr") wasMyAddr(_isMyAddr) port = self.getPort(t) self.propagateAddr(addr, ADDR_STEP, port.addr, port.dout._dtype.bit_length(), t) port.en(_isMyAddr & addrVld) port.we(_isMyAddr & wr) dataToBus = If(wasMyAddr, bus.readData(port.dout) ).Else( dataToBus ) port.din(bus.writeData) self.connect_directly_mapped_write(addr, bus.writeData, wr) self.connect_directly_mapped_read(rAddr, bus.readData, dataToBus)
[docs]def _example_AvalonMmEndpoint(): from hwt.hdl.types.struct import HStruct from hwtLib.types.ctypes import uint32_t u = AvalonMmEndpoint( HStruct( (uint32_t, "field0"), (uint32_t, "field1"), (uint32_t[32], "bramMapped") )) return u
if __name__ == "__main__": from hwt.synthesizer.utils import to_rtl_str u = _example_AvalonMmEndpoint print(to_rtl_str(u))