Source code for hwtLib.examples.axi.simpleAxiRegs

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from hwt.code import If
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.struct import HStruct
from hwt.interfaces.utils import addClkRstn, propagateClkRstn
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwtLib.amba.axi4Lite import Axi4Lite
from hwtLib.amba.axiLite_comp.endpoint import AxiLiteEndpoint
from hwtLib.types.ctypes import uint32_t

[docs]class SimpleAxiRegs(Unit): """ Axi litle mapped registers example, 0x0 - reg0 0x4 - reg1 .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): self.ADDR_WIDTH = Param(8) self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(32) def _declr(self): addClkRstn(self) with self._paramsShared(): self.axi = Axi4Lite() with self._paramsShared(): # this structure is configuration of interfaces # fields can also be arrays and metaclass can be used # to specify field interface and R/W access to field self.conv = AxiLiteEndpoint( HStruct((uint32_t, "reg0"), (uint32_t, "reg1") )) def _impl(self): propagateClkRstn(self) self.conv.bus(self.axi, fit=True) reg0 = self._reg("reg0", Bits(32), def_val=0) reg1 = self._reg("reg1", Bits(32), def_val=1) conv = self.conv def connectRegToConveror(convPort, reg): If(convPort.dout.vld, reg( ) convPort.din(reg) connectRegToConveror(conv.decoded.reg0, reg0) connectRegToConveror(conv.decoded.reg1, reg1)
if __name__ == "__main__": from hwt.synthesizer.utils import to_rtl_str u = SimpleAxiRegs() print(to_rtl_str(u))