Source code for hwtLib.examples.hdlObjLists.listOfInterfaces0

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from hwt.hdl.constants import Time
from hwt.interfaces.std import VldSynced
from hwt.interfaces.utils import addClkRstn
from hwt.simulator.simTestCase import SimTestCase
from hwt.synthesizer.hObjList import HObjList
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit

[docs]class ListOfInterfacesSample0(Unit): """ Sample unit with HObjList of interfaces (a and b) which is not using items of these HObjList of interfacess and connects list directly to another list .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(8) self.LEN = 3 def _declr(self): addClkRstn(self) with self._paramsShared(): L = self.LEN self.a = HObjList(VldSynced() for _ in range(L)) self.b = HObjList(VldSynced() for _ in range(L))._m() def _impl(self): # directly connect arrays, note that we are not using array items # and thats why they are not created self.b(self.a)
[docs]class ListOfInterfacesSample0SliceOnly(Unit): """ Sample unit with HObjList of interfaces a and three of output interfaces b each interface is connected manually .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(8) self.LEN = 3 def _declr(self): addClkRstn(self) with self._paramsShared(): self.a = HObjList(VldSynced() for _ in range(self.LEN)) self.b0 = VldSynced()._m() self.b1 = VldSynced()._m() self.b2 = VldSynced()._m() def _impl(self): self.b0(self.a[0]) self.b1(self.a[1]) self.b2(self.a[2])
[docs]class ListOfInterfacesSample0ConcatOnly(Unit): """ Same thing as :class:`.ListOfInterfacesSample0SliceOnly` but direction of interfaces is oposite .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(8) self.LEN = 3 def _declr(self): addClkRstn(self) with self._paramsShared(): self.a0 = VldSynced() self.a1 = VldSynced() self.a2 = VldSynced() self.b = HObjList(VldSynced() for _ in range(self.LEN))._m() def _impl(self): self.b[0](self.a0) self.b[1](self.a1) self.b[2](self.a2)
[docs]class ListOfInterfacesSample0TC(SimTestCase):
[docs] def tearDown(self): self.rmSim() SimTestCase.tearDown(self)
[docs] def test_ListOfInterfacesSample0_simplePass(self): u = self.compileSimAndStart(ListOfInterfacesSample0()) u.a[0][1, 2, 3]) u.a[1][9]) u.a[2][10, 11, 12, 13]) self.runSim(50 * Time.ns) for i in range(3): self.assertEmpty(u.a[i] self.assertValSequenceEqual(u.b[0], [1, 2, 3]) self.assertValSequenceEqual(u.b[1], [9]) self.assertValSequenceEqual(u.b[2], [10, 11, 12, 13])
[docs] def test_ListOfInterfacesSample0SliceOnly_simplePass(self): u = self.compileSimAndStart(ListOfInterfacesSample0SliceOnly()) u.a[0][1, 2, 3]) u.a[1][9]) u.a[2][10, 11, 12, 13]) self.runSim(50 * Time.ns) for i in range(3): self.assertEmpty(u.a[i] self.assertValSequenceEqual(, [1, 2, 3]) self.assertValSequenceEqual(, [9]) self.assertValSequenceEqual(, [10, 11, 12, 13])
[docs] def test_ListOfInterfacesSample0ConcatOnly_simplePass(self): u = self.compileSimAndStart(ListOfInterfacesSample0ConcatOnly())[1, 2, 3])[9])[10, 11, 12, 13]) self.runSim(50 * Time.ns) self.assertEmpty( self.assertEmpty( self.assertEmpty( self.assertValSequenceEqual(u.b[0], [1, 2, 3]) self.assertValSequenceEqual(u.b[1], [9]) self.assertValSequenceEqual(u.b[2], [10, 11, 12, 13])
if __name__ == "__main__": import unittest testLoader = unittest.TestLoader() # suite = unittest.TestSuite([ListOfInterfacesSample0TC("test_passData")]) suite = testLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(ListOfInterfacesSample0TC) runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3) from hwt.synthesizer.utils import to_rtl_str print(to_rtl_str(ListOfInterfacesSample0()))