Source code for hwtLib.logic.bcdToBin

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from hwt.code import Switch, If, Concat
from hwt.code_utils import rename_signal
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.enum import HEnum
from hwt.interfaces.std import Handshaked
from hwt.interfaces.utils import addClkRstn
from hwt.math import log2ceil
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit

[docs]class BcdToBin(Unit): """ Convert a BCD number to binary encoding This uses the double-dabble algorithm in reverse. The conversion of a BCD number to an n-bit binary number will take n+3 cycles to complete. based on: .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): self.BCD_DIGITS = Param(3) def _declr(self): addClkRstn(self) BCD_DIGITS = self.BCD_DIGITS bcd = self.din = Handshaked() # BCD data to convert bcd.DATA_WIDTH = 4 * BCD_DIGITS bin_ = self.dout = Handshaked()._m() bin_.DATA_WIDTH = log2ceil(10 ** BCD_DIGITS - 1) # Converted output. Retained until next conversion def _impl(self): st_t = HEnum("state_t", ["IDLE", "LOAD_SR", "CONVERTING", "DONE"]) st = self._reg("st", st_t, def_val=st_t.IDLE) sr_shift = bcd = self.din bin_ = self.dout bcd_sr = self._reg("bcd_sr",, def_val=0) binary_sr = self._reg("binary_sr",, def_val=0) next_bcd = rename_signal(self, bcd_sr >> 1, "next_bcd") MAX_COUNT = binary_sr._dtype.bit_length() bit_count = self._reg("bit_count", Bits(log2ceil(MAX_COUNT), signed=False), def_val=MAX_COUNT) If(sr_shift, bit_count(bit_count - 1), ).Else( bit_count(MAX_COUNT), ) # dabble the digits digits = [] for i in range(self.BCD_DIGITS): d = next_bcd[(i + 1) * 4:i * 4]._unsigned() d_sig = (d < 7)._ternary(d, d - 3) digits.append(d_sig) If(, bcd_sr(, binary_sr(0), ).Elif(sr_shift, # shift right binary_sr(Concat(bcd_sr[0], binary_sr[:1])), bcd_sr(Concat(*reversed(digits))), ) Switch(st)\ .Case(st_t.IDLE, If(bcd.vld, st(st_t.LOAD_SR), # load the shift registers ))\ .Case(st_t.LOAD_SR, # shift right each cycle st(st_t.CONVERTING), )\ .Case(st_t.CONVERTING, If(bit_count._eq(0), # indicate completion st(st_t.DONE), ) )\ .Case(st_t.DONE, If(bcd.vld & bin_.rd, st(st_t.LOAD_SR), ).Elif(bin_.rd, st(st_t.IDLE), ) ) bcd.rd(st._eq(st_t.IDLE) | (st._eq(st_t.DONE) & bin_.rd)) bin_.vld(st._eq(st_t.DONE))
if __name__ == "__main__": from hwt.synthesizer.utils import to_rtl_str u = BcdToBin() print(to_rtl_str(u))