Source code for hwtLib.logic.crc

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import List

from hwt.code import If, Concat, Switch
from hwt.code_utils import rename_signal
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.interfaces.std import VldSynced, VectSignal
from hwt.interfaces.utils import addClkRstn
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from hwt.synthesizer.vectorUtils import iterBits
from hwtLib.common_nonstd_interfaces.data_mask_last_hs import DataMaskLastHs
from hwtLib.logic.crcComb import CrcComb
from hwtLib.logic.crcPoly import CRC_32
from pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils import get_bit, bit_list_reversed_endianity, \
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import BIT

[docs]class Crc(Unit): """ Crc generator for any crc, polynome can be string in usual format or integer ("x^3+x+1" or 0b1011) :note: See :class:`hwtLib.logic.crcComb.CrcComb` .. hwt-autodoc:: _example_Crc """ def _config(self): CrcComb._config(self) self.setConfig(CRC_32) self.LATENCY = Param(1) self.DATA_WIDTH = 32 self.MASK_GRANULARITY = Param(None) def _declr(self): addClkRstn(self) with self._paramsShared(): if self.MASK_GRANULARITY is None: self.dataIn = VldSynced() else: self.dataIn = DataMaskLastHs() self.dataOut = VectSignal(self.POLY_WIDTH)._m()
[docs] def setConfig(self, crcConfigCls): """ Apply configuration from CRC configuration class """ CrcComb.setConfig(self, crcConfigCls)
[docs] def build_crc_xor_matrix(self, state_in_bits: List[RtlSignal], poly_bits: List[int], data_in_bits: List[RtlSignal])\ ->List[RtlSignal]: """ build xor tree for CRC computation """ crcMatrix = CrcComb.buildCrcXorMatrix(len(data_in_bits), poly_bits) res = CrcComb.applyCrcXorMatrix( crcMatrix, data_in_bits, state_in_bits, self.REFIN) # next state logic # wrap crc next signals to separate signal to have nice code stateNext = [] for i, crcbit in enumerate(res): b = rename_signal(self, crcbit, f"crc_{i:d}") stateNext.append(b) return stateNext
def _impl(self): # prepare constants and bit arrays for inputs poly_bits, PW = CrcComb.parsePoly(self.POLY, self.POLY_WIDTH) din = self.dataIn # rename "dataIn_data" to "d" to make code shorter _d = rename_signal(self,, "d") data_in_bits = list(iterBits(_d)) if not self.IN_IS_BIGENDIAN: data_in_bits = bit_list_reversed_endianity(data_in_bits) if self.MASK_GRANULARITY: din.rd(1) rst = self.rst_n._isOn() | (din.vld & din.last) else: rst = self.rst_n state = self._reg("c", Bits(self.POLY_WIDTH), self.INIT, rst=rst) state_in_bits = list(iterBits(state)) if self.MASK_GRANULARITY is None or self.MASK_GRANULARITY == self.DATA_WIDTH: state_next = self.build_crc_xor_matrix( state_in_bits, poly_bits, data_in_bits) If(din.vld, # state_next is in format 0 ... N, # we need to reverse it to litle-endian state(Concat(*reversed(state_next))) ) else: mask_in = din.mask mask_width = mask_in._dtype.bit_length() state_next_cases = [] for vld_byte_cnt in range(1, mask_width + 1): # because bytes are already reversed in bit vector of input bits _data_in_bits = data_in_bits[ (mask_width - vld_byte_cnt) * self.MASK_GRANULARITY: ] state_next = self.build_crc_xor_matrix( state_in_bits, poly_bits, _data_in_bits) # reversed because of because of MSB..LSB state_next_cases.append(( mask(vld_byte_cnt), state(Concat(*reversed(state_next))) )) If(din.vld, Switch(mask_in).add_cases( state_next_cases ).Default(state(None)) ) # output connection if self.LATENCY == 0: state = elif self.LATENCY == 1: if self.MASK_GRANULARITY is not None: # to avoid the case where the state is restarted by dataIn.last state_tmp = self._reg("state_tmp", state._dtype) state_tmp( state = state_tmp else: raise NotImplementedError(self.LATENCY) XOROUT = int(self.XOROUT) fin_bits = [BIT.from_py(get_bit(XOROUT, i)) for i in range(PW)] fin_bits = rename_signal(self, Concat(*fin_bits), "fin_bits") if self.REFOUT: state_reversed = rename_signal( self, Concat(*iterBits(state)), "state_revered") state = state_reversed self.dataOut(state ^ fin_bits)
[docs]def _example_Crc(): u = Crc() u.MASK_GRANULARITY = 8 u.setConfig(CRC_32) u.DATA_WIDTH = 16 return u
if __name__ == "__main__": from hwt.synthesizer.utils import to_rtl_str u = _example_Crc() print(to_rtl_str(u))