Source code for hwtLib.mem.hashTable_intf

from hwt.interfaces.agents.handshaked import HandshakedAgent
from hwt.interfaces.std import Handshaked, VectSignal, Signal, HandshakeSync
from hwt.math import log2ceil
from hwt.synthesizer.interface import Interface
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwtSimApi.agents.base import AgentBase
from hwtSimApi.hdlSimulator import HdlSimulator
from ipCorePackager.constants import DIRECTION

[docs]class InsertIntfAgent(HandshakedAgent): """ Simulation agent for `.InsertIntf` interface data format: * if interface has data signal, data format is tuple (hash, key, data, item_vld) * if interface does not have data signal, data format is tuple (hash, key, item_vld) """
[docs] def __init__(self, sim: HdlSimulator, intf: "InsertIntf"): HandshakedAgent.__init__(self, sim, intf) self.hasData = bool(intf.DATA_WIDTH)
[docs] def get_data(self): i = self.intf _hash = key = item_vld = if self.hasData: data = return hash, key, data, item_vld else: return hash, key, item_vld
[docs] def set_data(self, data): i = self.intf if data is None: i.hash.write(None) i.key.write(None) if self.hasData: i.item_vld.write(None) else: if self.hasData: _hash, key, _data, item_vld = data else: _hash, key, item_vld = data i.hash.write(_hash) i.key.write(key) i.item_vld.write(item_vld)
[docs]class InsertIntf(HandshakeSync): """ .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): self.HASH_WIDTH = Param(8) self.KEY_WIDTH = Param(8) self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(0) def _declr(self): super(InsertIntf, self)._declr() self.hash = VectSignal(self.HASH_WIDTH) self.key = VectSignal(self.KEY_WIDTH) if self.DATA_WIDTH: = VectSignal(self.DATA_WIDTH) self.item_vld = Signal()
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self, sim: HdlSimulator): self._ag = InsertIntfAgent(sim, self)
[docs]class LookupKeyIntfAgent(HandshakedAgent): """ Simulation agent for LookupKeyIntf interface """
[docs] def __init__(self, sim: HdlSimulator, intf: "LookupKeyIntf"): HandshakedAgent.__init__(self, sim, intf) self.HAS_LOOKUP_ID = bool(intf.LOOKUP_ID_WIDTH)
[docs] def get_data(self): intf = self.intf if self.HAS_LOOKUP_ID: return, return
[docs] def set_data(self, data): intf = self.intf if self.HAS_LOOKUP_ID: _id, _key = data return intf.lookup_id.write(_id), intf.key.write(_key) self.intf.key.write(data)
[docs]class LookupKeyIntf(HandshakeSync): """ .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): self.LOOKUP_ID_WIDTH = Param(0) self.KEY_WIDTH = Param(8) def _declr(self): HandshakeSync._declr(self) if self.LOOKUP_ID_WIDTH: self.lookupId = VectSignal(self.LOOKUP_ID_WIDTH) self.key = VectSignal(self.KEY_WIDTH)
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self, sim: HdlSimulator): self._ag = LookupKeyIntfAgent(sim, self)
[docs]class LookupResultIntfAgent(HandshakedAgent): """ Simulation agent for `.LookupResultIntf` data is stored in .data data format is tuple (hash, key, data, found) but some items can be missing depending on configuration of interface """
[docs] def __init__(self, sim, intf): HandshakedAgent.__init__(self, sim, intf) self.hasHash = bool(intf.LOOKUP_HASH) self.hasKey = bool(intf.LOOKUP_KEY) self.hasData = bool(intf.DATA_WIDTH)
[docs] def get_data(self): d = [] append = d.append intf = self.intf if self.hasHash: append( if self.hasKey: append( if self.hasData: append( append( append( return tuple(d)
[docs] def set_data(self, data): intf = self.intf dIt = iter(data) if self.hasHash: intf.hash.write(next(dIt)) if self.hasKey: intf.key.write(next(dIt)) if self.hasData: intf.found.write(next(dIt)) intf.occupied.write(next(dIt)) try: next(dIt) raise AssertionError(f"To many items in data {data}") except IndexError: return
[docs]class LookupResultIntf(Handshaked): """ Interface for result of lookup in hash table :ivar ~.HASH_WIDTH: width of the hash used by hash table :ivar ~.KEY_WIDTH: width of the key used by hash table :ivar ~.LOOKUP_HASH: flag if this interface should have hash signal :ivar ~.LOOKUP_KEY: flag if this interface should have hash signal :ivar ~.hash: hash for this key (= index in this table) :ivar ~.key: original key which was searched for :ivar data under this key :ivar ~.occupied: flag which tells if there is an valid item under this key .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): self.HASH_WIDTH = Param(8) self.KEY_WIDTH = Param(8) self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(0) self.LOOKUP_ID_WIDTH = Param(0) self.LOOKUP_HASH = Param(False) self.LOOKUP_KEY = Param(False) def _declr(self): HandshakeSync._declr(self) if self.LOOKUP_ID_WIDTH: self.lookupId = VectSignal(self.LOOKUP_ID_WIDTH) if self.LOOKUP_HASH: self.hash = VectSignal(self.HASH_WIDTH) if self.LOOKUP_KEY: self.key = VectSignal(self.KEY_WIDTH) if self.DATA_WIDTH: = VectSignal(self.DATA_WIDTH) self.found = Signal() self.occupied = Signal()
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self, sim: HdlSimulator): self._ag = LookupResultIntfAgent(sim, self)
[docs]class HashTableIntf(Interface): """ .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): self.ITEMS_CNT = Param(32) self.KEY_WIDTH = Param(16) self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(8) self.LOOKUP_ID_WIDTH = Param(0) self.LOOKUP_HASH = Param(False) self.LOOKUP_KEY = Param(False) def _declr(self): assert int(self.KEY_WIDTH) > 0 assert int(self.DATA_WIDTH) >= 0 assert int(self.ITEMS_CNT) > 1 self.HASH_WIDTH = log2ceil(self.ITEMS_CNT) assert self.HASH_WIDTH < int(self.KEY_WIDTH), ( "It makes no sense to use hash table when you can use key directly as index", self.HASH_WIDTH, self.KEY_WIDTH) with self._paramsShared(): self.insert = InsertIntf() self.insert.HASH_WIDTH = self.HASH_WIDTH self.lookup = LookupKeyIntf() self.lookupRes = LookupResultIntf(masterDir=DIRECTION.IN) self.lookupRes.HASH_WIDTH = self.HASH_WIDTH
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self, sim: HdlSimulator): self._ag = HashTableIntfAgent(sim, self)
[docs]class HashTableIntfAgent(AgentBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, sim:HdlSimulator, intf: HashTableIntf): AgentBase.__init__(self, sim, intf) intf.insert._initSimAgent(sim) intf.lookup._initSimAgent(sim) intf.lookupRes._initSimAgent(sim)
[docs] def getDrivers(self): intf = self.intf yield from intf.insert._ag.getDrivers() yield from intf.lookup._ag.getDrivers() yield from intf.lookupRes._ag.getMonitors()
[docs] def getMonitors(self): intf = self.intf yield from intf.insert._ag.getMonitors() yield from intf.lookup._ag.getMonitors() yield from intf.lookupRes._ag.getDrivers()