Source code for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi_agent

from collections import deque

from hwt.simulator.agentBase import SyncAgentBase
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.constants import USB_LINE_STATE
from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi import Ulpi, ulpi_reg_usb_interrupt_status_t, \
    ulpi_reg_usb_interrupt_status_t_reset_default, ULPI_TX_CMD
from hwtLib.types.ctypes import uint8_t
from hwtSimApi.hdlSimulator import HdlSimulator
from hwtSimApi.triggers import WaitWriteOnly, WaitCombRead
from pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils import mask, ValidityError

[docs]class UlpiAgent(SyncAgentBase): """ Agent for :class:`hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi.Ulpi` interface. It allows for receiving and transmitting raw data over ULPI, it does not implement USB stack. :note: the RX is always from PHY to Link, the TX is always from Link to PHY :note: in link->phy nxt works as a handshake ready and stp as handshake valid_n and data is data.o :note in phy->link nxt works as a handshake valid (but when set to 0 rx_cmd is send instead of data) and the stp works as handshake ready_n, if stp is set to 1 the transmission of whole packet is interrupted. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sim:HdlSimulator, intf: Ulpi, allowNoReset=False): super(UlpiAgent, self).__init__(sim, intf, allowNoReset=allowNoReset) self.link_to_phy_packets = deque() self.phy_to_link_packets = deque() self.actual_link_to_phy_packet = None self.actual_phy_to_link_packet = None self.dir = Ulpi.DIR.PHY # defalut state of the PHY in reset self.in_turnarround = False self.reg_interrupt = ulpi_reg_usb_interrupt_status_t.from_py(ulpi_reg_usb_interrupt_status_t_reset_default) self.RxEvent_RxActive = 0 self.RxEvent_RxError = 0 self.HostDisconnected = 0
[docs] def build_RX_CMD(self): LineState = USB_LINE_STATE.J inter = self.reg_interrupt if inter.SessEnd & ~inter.SessValid & ~inter.VbusValid: VbusSate = 0b00 elif ~inter.SessEnd & ~inter.SessValid & ~inter.VbusValid: VbusSate = 0b01 elif inter.SessValid & ~inter.VbusValid: VbusSate = 0b10 elif inter.VbusValid: VbusSate = 0b11 RxActive = self.RxEvent_RxActive RxError = self.RxEvent_RxError HostDisconnected = self.HostDisconnected if ~RxActive and ~RxError and ~HostDisconnected: RxEvent = 0b00 elif RxActive and ~RxError and ~HostDisconnected: RxEvent = 0b01 elif RxActive and RxError and ~HostDisconnected: RxEvent = 0b11 elif HostDisconnected: RxEvent = 0b10 IdGnd = 0 alt_int = 0 return (alt_int << 7) | (IdGnd << 6) | (RxEvent << 4) | (VbusSate << 2) | LineState
[docs] def parse_RX_CMD(self, ulpi_data: int): ulpi_data = uint8_t.from_py(ulpi_data) LineState = int(ulpi_data[2:0]) if LineState != USB_LINE_STATE.J: raise NotImplementedError() _inter = int(ulpi_data[4:2]) inter = self.reg_interrupt if _inter == 0b00: inter.SessEnd = 1 inter.SessValid = 0 inter.VbusValid = 0 elif _inter == 0b01: inter.SessEnd = 0 inter.SessValid = 0 inter.VbusValid = 0 elif _inter == 0b10: inter.SessValid = 1 inter.VbusValid = 0 elif _inter == 0b11: inter.VbusValid = 1 ae = int(ulpi_data[6:4]) if ae == 0b00: rxactive = 0 rxerror = 0 elif ae == 0b01: rxactive = 1 rxerror = 0 elif ae == 0b10: self.HostDisconnect = 1 elif ae == 0b11: rxactive = 1 rxerror = 1 self.RxEvent_RxActive = rxactive self.RxEvent_RxError = rxerror IdGnd = int(ulpi_data[6]) if IdGnd != 0: raise NotImplementedError(IdGnd) alt_int = int(ulpi_data[7]) if alt_int != 0: raise NotImplementedError(alt_int)
[docs] def data_read(self): return
[docs] def driver(self): """ Drive ULPI interface as a PHY (and host) does Inputs: * data.t (should be 0 in rx and turnaround else mask(8)) * data.o (only in tx, 1st byt is cmd, rest is data) * stp (1 for 1 clk after last word in tx) Outputs: * data.i (None in tx, else depending on nxt) * dir * nxt (0 if tx should stall or rx is stalled and sending rxd cmd instead) """ yield WaitWriteOnly() intf = self.intf intf.dir._sigInside.write(self.dir) yield WaitCombRead() en = self.notReset() and self._enabled if not en: return if self.in_turnarround: # entirely skip the turnaround cycle yield WaitWriteOnly() # print("%d: %r PHY: turnaround ->%s" % (, intf, "PHY" if self.dir == Ulpi.DIR.PHY else "LINK")) self.in_turnarround = False if self.dir == Ulpi.DIR.PHY: # nxt=1 in turnarround means thatat the next RX_CMD contains RxActive intf.nxt._sigInside.write(int(bool(self.phy_to_link_packets))) yield WaitCombRead() t = int( assert t == 0, (, intf, t, "data signal has to be in high-impedance state during turnaround") return if self.dir == Ulpi.DIR.PHY: # RX from PHY yield WaitWriteOnly() # some data in packet, if NOP sending RX_CMD to_link_pkt = self.actual_phy_to_link_packet if not to_link_pkt and self.phy_to_link_packets: to_link_pkt = self.actual_phy_to_link_packet = self.phy_to_link_packets.popleft() assert to_link_pkt, ("ULPI pakcet has to have at least PID") if to_link_pkt is None: d = self.build_RX_CMD() else: d = to_link_pkt.popleft() self.RxEvent_RxActive = int(bool(to_link_pkt)) intf.nxt._sigInside.write(int( self._enabled and to_link_pkt is not None )) yield WaitCombRead() t = int( assert t == 0, (, intf, t, "link must not write data when PHY is the master of this bus") stp = int( if stp != 0: raise NotImplementedError() if not to_link_pkt: # has no data, now is the time to swith to tx self.dir = Ulpi.DIR.LINK self.in_turnarround = True self.actual_phy_to_link_packet = None else: # TX to PHY yield WaitWriteOnly() intf.nxt._sigInside.write(int(self._enabled)) yield WaitCombRead() try: t = int( except ValidityError: raise AssertionError(,, "in invalid state (this would result in burned IO)") assert t == mask(8), (, intf, t, "link must write the data when it is the master of this bus") try: stp = int( except ValueError: raise AssertionError( (, intf._getFullName(), "stp signal in invalid state" "(this would cause desynchronization)")) try: d = int(self.data_read()) except ValidityError: raise AssertionError(,, "invalid data from LINK") p = self.actual_link_to_phy_packet if stp or (p is None and d == ULPI_TX_CMD.NOOP): assert d == ULPI_TX_CMD.NOOP, d # end of packet or link has no data to send, the current data is not valid (this is an idle word after last word in packet) if p is not None: assert p self.on_link_to_phy_packet(p) self.actual_link_to_phy_packet = None self.dir = Ulpi.DIR.PHY self.in_turnarround = True else: if p is None: # first word of packet is txd cmd if d == ULPI_TX_CMD.NOOP: pass elif ULPI_TX_CMD.is_USB_PID(d): p = self.actual_link_to_phy_packet = deque() p.append(d) else: raise NotImplementedError(d) # self.actual_link_to_phy_packet = deque() else: p.append(d)
[docs] def monitor(self): """ Emulate behavior of the link (and device) Inputs: * data.i * dir * nxt Outputs: * data.t * data.o * stp """ intf = self.intf yield WaitCombRead() en = self.notReset() and self._enabled if not en: return yield WaitWriteOnly() yield WaitCombRead() direction = int( if direction != self.dir: self.in_turnarround = True self.dir = direction yield WaitWriteOnly() if self.in_turnarround: # print("%d: %r LINK: turnaround ->%s" % (, intf, "PHY" if self.dir == Ulpi.DIR.PHY else "LINK")) # check if it was in the middle of recieving of the packet (end of rx packet) if direction == Ulpi.DIR.LINK: # the direction is now reversed than it was p = self.actual_phy_to_link_packet if p is not None: assert p, (, intf, "The packet needs to have at least PID and other members of header") self.on_phy_to_link_packet(p) self.actual_phy_to_link_packet = None # entirely skip the turnaround cycle self.in_turnarround = False return else: if direction == Ulpi.DIR.LINK: stp = int(not self.actual_link_to_phy_packet and self.actual_link_to_phy_packet is not None) m = mask(8) if self.actual_link_to_phy_packet: d = self.actual_link_to_phy_packet[0] # ULPI_TX_CMD.USB_PID(tx_pid) else: d = ULPI_TX_CMD.NOOP else: stp = 0 m = 0 d = None intf.stp._sigInside.write(stp) yield WaitCombRead() nxt = int( if direction == Ulpi.DIR.LINK: # tx/write if nxt: if self.actual_link_to_phy_packet: self.actual_link_to_phy_packet.popleft() elif self.link_to_phy_packets: self.actual_link_to_phy_packet = self.link_to_phy_packets.popleft() else: self.actual_link_to_phy_packet = None else: assert direction == Ulpi.DIR.PHY # rx/read try: data = int( except ValueError: raise AssertionError( ("%r: data signal for interface %r is in invalid state") % (, intf)) if nxt: # rx data p = self.actual_phy_to_link_packet if p is None: p = self.actual_phy_to_link_packet = deque() p.append(data) else: # rx_cmd self.parse_RX_CMD(data)