hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2 package


hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.device_cdc_vcp module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.device_cdc_vcp.Usb2CdcVcp(hdl_name_override: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Usb2DeviceCommon

USB2.0 communcation device class virtual com port core (serial/uart over USB)

HDL params
  • DESCRIPTORS - default value [{ header: { bLength: <BitsVal 18> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 1> } body: { bcdUSB: <BitsVal 512> bDeviceClass: <BitsVal 2> bDeviceSubClass: <BitsVal 0> bDeviceProtocol: <BitsVal 0> bMaxPacketSize: <BitsVal 64> idVendor: <BitsVal 0> idProduct: <BitsVal 0> bcdDevice: <BitsVal 0> iManufacturer: <BitsVal 0> iProduct: <BitsVal 1> iSerialNumber: <BitsVal 0> bNumConfigurations: <BitsVal 1> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 9> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 2> } body: { wTotalLength: <BitsVal 67> bNumInterfaces: <BitsVal 2> bConfigurationValue: <BitsVal 1> iConfiguration: <BitsVal 0> bmAttributes: { reserved0: <BitsVal 0> remoteWakeup: <BitsVal 0> selfPowered: <BitsVal 0> reserved1: <BitsVal 1> } bMaxPower: <BitsVal 250> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 9> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 4> } body: { bInterfaceNumber: <BitsVal 0> bAlternateSetting: <BitsVal 0> bNumEndpoints: <BitsVal 1> bInterfaceClass: <BitsVal 2> bInterfaceSubClass: <BitsVal 2> bInterfaceProtocol: <BitsVal 1> iInterface: <BitsVal 0> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 5> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 36> bDescriptorSubtype: <BitsVal 0> } body: { bcdCDC: <BitsVal 272> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 5> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 36> bDescriptorSubtype: <BitsVal 1> } body: { bmCapabilities: { supportHandlesCallManagementItself: <BitsVal 0> supportManagementOverDataClassInterface: <BitsVal 0> reserved0: <BitsVal 0> } bDataInterface: <BitsVal 1> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 4> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 36> bDescriptorSubtype: <BitsVal 2> } body: { bmCapabilities: { commFeature: <BitsVal 0> lineCodingAndSerialState: <BitsVal 0> sendBreak: <BitsVal 0> networkConnection: <BitsVal 0> reserved0: <BitsVal 0> } } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 5> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 36> bDescriptorSubtype: <BitsVal 6> } body: { bMasterInterface: <BitsVal 0> bSlaveInterface: <HArrayVal {0: <BitsVal 1>}> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 7> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 5> } body: { bEndpointAddress: <BitsVal 2> bEndpointAddressDir: <BitsVal 1> bmAttributes: { transferType: <BitsVal 3> synchronisationType: <BitsVal 0> usageType: <BitsVal 0> reserved0: <BitsVal 0> } wMaxPacketSize: <BitsVal 8> bInterval: <BitsVal 10> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 9> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 4> } body: { bInterfaceNumber: <BitsVal 1> bAlternateSetting: <BitsVal 0> bNumEndpoints: <BitsVal 2> bInterfaceClass: <BitsVal 10> bInterfaceSubClass: <BitsVal 0> bInterfaceProtocol: <BitsVal 0> iInterface: <BitsVal 0> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 7> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 5> } body: { bEndpointAddress: <BitsVal 1> bEndpointAddressDir: <BitsVal 0> bmAttributes: { transferType: <BitsVal 2> synchronisationType: <BitsVal 0> usageType: <BitsVal 0> reserved0: <BitsVal 0> } wMaxPacketSize: <BitsVal 512> bInterval: <BitsVal 0> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 7> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 5> } body: { bEndpointAddress: <BitsVal 1> bEndpointAddressDir: <BitsVal 1> bmAttributes: { transferType: <BitsVal 2> synchronisationType: <BitsVal 0> usageType: <BitsVal 0> reserved0: <BitsVal 0> } wMaxPacketSize: <BitsVal 512> bInterval: <BitsVal 0> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 4> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 3> } body: <HArrayVal {0: <BitsVal 1033>}> }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 24> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 3> } body: <HArrayVal {0: <BitsVal 255>, 1: <BitsVal 254>, 2: <BitsVal 85>, 3: <BitsVal 0>, 4: <BitsVal 115>, 5: <BitsVal 0>, 6: <BitsVal 98>, 7: <BitsVal 0>, 8: <BitsVal 50>, 9: <BitsVal 0>, 10: <BitsVal 67>, 11: <BitsVal 0>, 12: <BitsVal 100>, 13: <BitsVal 0>, 14: <BitsVal 99>, 15: <BitsVal 0>, 16: <BitsVal 86>, 17: <BitsVal 0>, 18: <BitsVal 99>, 19: <BitsVal 0>, 20: <BitsVal 112>, 21: <BitsVal 0>}> }] of type hwtLib.peripheral.usb.descriptors.bundle.UsbDescriptorBundle

  • CLK_FREQ - default value 60000000 of type int

  • PRE_NEGOTIATED_TO - default value None of type None

  • RX_AGGREGATION_TIMEOUT - default value 512 of type intthe timeout (in clk ticks) for a packing of incomming bytes to a USB packet (the bigger packet equals more USB efficiency)

HDL components
decode_setup_request_class(setup: StructIntf, ep0_stall: RtlSignal, usb_addr_next: RtlSignal, descriptors: UsbDescriptorBundle, req_bDescriptorType: RtlSignal, req_bDescriptorIndex: RtlSignal, dev_configured: RtlSignal, descr_addr: RtlSignal, ep0_trans_len: RtlSignal)[source]
generat_descriptor_rom(descriptors: UsbDescriptorBundle, rst)[source]

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.device_common module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.device_common.Usb2DeviceCommon(hdl_name_override: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Unit

USB2.0 device common parts. This component directly handles the functionality of the EP0 and connects the usb_core to ep_buffers.


This is an abstract class, which holds the functionality shared between usb devices. In order to use it it needs to be extended to some specific usb device.

  • usb_core – Handles the USB protocol reset, ping, SOF and handshake messages

  • ep_buffers – handles the data multiplexing and replaying on errors,

connect_core_and_ep_buffers_common(ep0_stall, ep_buffers: UsbDeviceEpBuffers)[source]
connect_ep0_data(ep0, setup_stage, descr_d, ep0_trans_len, actual_packet_split)[source]
decode_setup_request(setup: StructIntf, ep0_stall: RtlSignal, usb_addr_next: RtlSignal, descriptors: UsbDescriptorBundle, req_bDescriptorType: RtlSignal, req_bDescriptorIndex: RtlSignal, dev_configured: RtlSignal, descr_addr: RtlSignal, ep0_trans_len: RtlSignal)[source]
decode_setup_request_class(setup: StructIntf, ep0_stall: RtlSignal, usb_addr_next: RtlSignal, descriptors: UsbDescriptorBundle, req_bDescriptorType: RtlSignal, req_bDescriptorIndex: RtlSignal, dev_configured: RtlSignal, descr_addr: RtlSignal, ep0_trans_len: RtlSignal)[source]
descriptor_ep0_fsm(descriptors: UsbDescriptorBundle)[source]

The Control enpoint (EP0) functionality

descriptor_ep0_fsm_get_descriptor(descr_bundle: UsbDescriptorBundle, setup_wLength: RtlSignal, req_bDescriptorType: RtlSignal, req_bDescriptorIndex: RtlSignal, descr_addr: RtlSignal, ep0_get_len: RtlSignal, ep0_stall: RtlSignal)[source]

Get descriptor part of the FSM for EP0 configuration endpoint

  • req_bDescriptorType – the bDescriptorType from the usb device request

  • req_bDescriptorIndex – the bDescriptorIndex from the usb device request

  • descr_addr – read address for current descriptor read

  • ep0_get_len – size how many descriptor bytes should be read

generat_descriptor_rom(descriptors: UsbDescriptorBundle, rst)[source]
load_usb_device_request(rx: AxiStream, rst: RtlSignal)[source]
  • rx – the port with incomming data

  • rst – the usb reset or core reset

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.device_core module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.device_core.Usb2DeviceCore(hdl_name_override: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Unit

Based on USB descriptors build endpoint statemachines, speed negotiation logic, usb reset logic and transaction logic

  • ~.phy – An interface to USB PHY which is connected to host

  • ~.ep – And interface to USB endpont buffers of this device

  • ~.usb_rst – output of USB reset detector

  • ~.usb_speed – An interface which holds the index of the USB version to note which speed was negotiated.

  • ~.current_usb_addr – An input signal with an address currently assigned for this device.

  • ~.PRE_NEGOTIATED_TO – A parameter for testing purposes which can be used to specify the default state of the link negotiation state

HDL params
  • DESCRIPTORS - default value [{ header: { bLength: <BitsVal 18> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 1> } body: { bcdUSB: <BitsVal 512> bDeviceClass: <BitsVal 2> bDeviceSubClass: <BitsVal 0> bDeviceProtocol: <BitsVal 0> bMaxPacketSize: <BitsVal 64> idVendor: <BitsVal 0> idProduct: <BitsVal 0> bcdDevice: <BitsVal 0> iManufacturer: <BitsVal 0> iProduct: <BitsVal 0> iSerialNumber: <BitsVal 0> bNumConfigurations: <BitsVal 1> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 9> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 2> } body: { wTotalLength: <BitsVal 67> bNumInterfaces: <BitsVal 2> bConfigurationValue: <BitsVal 1> iConfiguration: <BitsVal 0> bmAttributes: { reserved0: <BitsVal 0> remoteWakeup: <BitsVal 0> selfPowered: <BitsVal 0> reserved1: <BitsVal 1> } bMaxPower: <BitsVal 250> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 9> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 4> } body: { bInterfaceNumber: <BitsVal 0> bAlternateSetting: <BitsVal 0> bNumEndpoints: <BitsVal 1> bInterfaceClass: <BitsVal 2> bInterfaceSubClass: <BitsVal 2> bInterfaceProtocol: <BitsVal 1> iInterface: <BitsVal 0> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 5> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 36> bDescriptorSubtype: <BitsVal 0> } body: { bcdCDC: <BitsVal 272> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 5> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 36> bDescriptorSubtype: <BitsVal 1> } body: { bmCapabilities: { supportHandlesCallManagementItself: <BitsVal 0> supportManagementOverDataClassInterface: <BitsVal 0> reserved0: <BitsVal 0> } bDataInterface: <BitsVal 1> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 4> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 36> bDescriptorSubtype: <BitsVal 2> } body: { bmCapabilities: { commFeature: <BitsVal 0> lineCodingAndSerialState: <BitsVal 0> sendBreak: <BitsVal 0> networkConnection: <BitsVal 0> reserved0: <BitsVal 0> } } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 5> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 36> bDescriptorSubtype: <BitsVal 6> } body: { bMasterInterface: <BitsVal 0> bSlaveInterface: <HArrayVal {0: <BitsVal 1>}> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 7> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 5> } body: { bEndpointAddress: <BitsVal 2> bEndpointAddressDir: <BitsVal 1> bmAttributes: { transferType: <BitsVal 3> synchronisationType: <BitsVal 0> usageType: <BitsVal 0> reserved0: <BitsVal 0> } wMaxPacketSize: <BitsVal 8> bInterval: <BitsVal 10> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 9> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 4> } body: { bInterfaceNumber: <BitsVal 1> bAlternateSetting: <BitsVal 0> bNumEndpoints: <BitsVal 2> bInterfaceClass: <BitsVal 10> bInterfaceSubClass: <BitsVal 0> bInterfaceProtocol: <BitsVal 0> iInterface: <BitsVal 0> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 7> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 5> } body: { bEndpointAddress: <BitsVal 1> bEndpointAddressDir: <BitsVal 0> bmAttributes: { transferType: <BitsVal 2> synchronisationType: <BitsVal 0> usageType: <BitsVal 0> reserved0: <BitsVal 0> } wMaxPacketSize: <BitsVal 64> bInterval: <BitsVal 0> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 7> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 5> } body: { bEndpointAddress: <BitsVal 1> bEndpointAddressDir: <BitsVal 1> bmAttributes: { transferType: <BitsVal 2> synchronisationType: <BitsVal 0> usageType: <BitsVal 0> reserved0: <BitsVal 0> } wMaxPacketSize: <BitsVal 64> bInterval: <BitsVal 0> } }, { header: { bLength: <BitsVal 4> bDescriptorType: <BitsVal 3> } body: <HArrayVal {0: <BitsVal 1033>}> }] of type hwtLib.peripheral.usb.descriptors.bundle.UsbDescriptorBundle

  • CLK_FREQ - default value 60000000 of type int

  • PRE_NEGOTIATED_TO - default value None of type None

HDL components
define_endpoint_states(endp: RtlSignal, rst_any: RtlSignal)[source]
detect_usb_rst(LineState: RtlSignal, usb_speed: VldSynced)[source]
usb_endpoint_fsm(usb_rst: RtlSignal, chirp_en: RtlSignal, ep_rx: AxiStream, ep_tx: AxiStream, ep_tx_success: VldSynced, ep_rx_stall: RtlSignal, ep_tx_stall: RtlSignal)[source]
usb_linerate_negotiation(enable: RtlSignalBase, usb_reset: RtlSignal, utmi: Utmi_8b, usb_speed_o: VldSynced)[source]

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.device_core_interfaces module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.device_core_interfaces.UsbEndpointInterface(masterDir=DIRECTION.OUT, hdl_name: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, loadConfig=True)[source]

Bases: Interface

An interface to transfer data between the USB core and endpont memory/usb function

  • ep – endpoint number

  • stall – 1 if endpoint is dissabled or request is not supported

HDL params
  • HAS_RX - default value True of type bool

  • HAS_TX - default value True of type bool

  • DATA_WIDTH - default value 8 of type int


hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.device_ep_buffers module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.device_ep_buffers.UsbDeviceEpBuffers(hdl_name_override: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Unit

USB device endpoint buffers Buffers for the data transfers which are between usb core and usb function.

HDL params
  • ENDPOINT_META - default value ([<UsbEndpointMeta EP0 OUT [‘setup’] maxPacketSize:64B>, <UsbEndpointMeta EP0 IN [‘setup’] maxPacketSize:64B>], [<UsbEndpointMeta EP1 OUT [‘setup’] maxPacketSize:64B>, <UsbEndpointMeta EP1 IN [‘setup’] maxPacketSize:64B>], [None, <UsbEndpointMeta EP2 IN [‘setup’] maxPacketSize:8B>]) of type tuple

  • DATA_WIDTH - default value 8 of type int

HDL components
_declr() None[source]

ep.rx = from host, ep.tx = to host

connect_rx_part(rx_channels: List[Tuple[int, AxiStream, UsbEndpointMeta, AxiSFifoDrop]])[source]
connect_tx_part(tx_channels: List[Tuple[int, AxiStream, UsbEndpointMeta, AxiSFifoCopy, HandshakedFifo]])[source]

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.sie_interfaces module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.sie_interfaces.DataErrVldKeepLast(masterDir=DIRECTION.OUT, hdl_name: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, loadConfig=True)[source]

Bases: VldSynced

HDL params
  • DATA_WIDTH - default value 64 of type int

  • USE_KEEP - default value True of type bool

_initSimAgent(sim: HdlSimulator)[source]
class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.sie_interfaces.DataErrVldKeepLastAgent(sim: HdlSimulator, intf, allowNoReset=False)[source]

Bases: VldSyncedAgent

A simulation agent for DataErrVldKeepLast interface.

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.sie_interfaces.Usb2SieRxOut(masterDir=DIRECTION.OUT, hdl_name: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, loadConfig=True)[source]

Bases: VldSynced

_initSimAgent(sim: HdlSimulator)[source]
class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.sie_interfaces.Usb2SieRxOutAgent(sim: HdlSimulator, intf, allowNoReset=False)[source]

Bases: VldSyncedAgent

A simulation agent for Usb2SieRxOut interface.


hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.sie_rx module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.sie_rx.Usb2SieDeviceRx(hdl_name_override: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Unit

UTMI rx (host->device) packet parser and CRC checker and cutter, (SIE stands for serial interface engine)

HDL components
_Utmi_8b_rx_to_DataErrVldStrbLast(rx: Utmi_8b_rx)[source]

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.sie_tx module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.sie_tx.Usb2SieDeviceTx(hdl_name_override: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Unit

UTMI Tx packet CRC appender and chirp inserter, (SIE stands for serial interface engine)

HDL components
_AxiStream_to_Utmi_8b_tx(axis: AxiStream, tx: Utmi_8b_tx)[source]

Convert last signal to a space between packets

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.sie_tx.Usb2SieDeviceTxInput(masterDir=DIRECTION.OUT, hdl_name: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, loadConfig=True)[source]

Bases: AxiStream

HDL params
  • IS_BIGENDIAN - default value False of type bool

  • USE_STRB - default value False of type bool

  • USE_KEEP - default value True of type bool

  • ID_WIDTH - default value 0 of type int

  • DEST_WIDTH - default value 0 of type int

  • DATA_WIDTH - default value 8 of type int

  • USER_WIDTH - default value 0 of type int


hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi.IP_Ulpi[source]

Bases: IntfIpMeta

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi.ULPI_REG[source]

Bases: object


all registers are 8b in size

Carkit_Control = 25
Carkit_Interrupt_Delay = 28
Carkit_Interrupt_Enable = 29
Carkit_Interrupt_Latch = 33
Carkit_Interrupt_Status = 32
Carkit_Pulse_Control = 34
Debug = 21
Function_Control = 4
Interface_Control = 7
OTG_Control = 10
Product_ID_High = 3
Product_ID_Low = 2
REGS_WITH_SET_AND_CLR = [4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 22, 25, 29, 34]
Receive_Polarity_Recovery = 39
Scratch_Register = 22
Transmit_Negative_Width = 38
Transmit_Positive_Width = 37
USB_Interrupt_Enable_Falling = 16
USB_Interrupt_Enable_Rising = 13
USB_Interrupt_Latch = 20
USB_Interrupt_Status = 19
Vendor_ID_High = 1
Vendor_ID_Low = 0

By write to this address the pattern on the data bus is a mask. If a bit in the mask is set, then the corresponding register bit will be set to zero (cleared).

classmethod set_of()[source]

By write to this address the pattern on the data bus is OR’d with and written into the register.

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi.ULPI_TX_CMD[source]

Bases: object

EXTR = 239
EXTW = 175

REGR – Register read command with 6-bit immediate address.

NOOP = 0

NOOP – Transmit USB data that does not have a USB_PID, such as chirp and resume signalling. The PHY starts transmitting on the USB beginning with the next data byte.

NOPID = 64
static REGR(addr)[source]
static REGW(addr)[source]

Register write command with 6-bit immediate address.

static USB_PID(pid: USB_PID)[source]

Transmit USB packet. data(3:0) indicates USB packet identifier USB_PID(3:0).

static get_USB_PID(packet_first_byte)[source]
static is_USB_PID(packet_first_byte)[source]
class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi.Ulpi(masterDir=DIRECTION.OUT, hdl_name: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, loadConfig=True)[source]

Bases: Interface

ULPI (UTMI+ Low Pin Interface for USB2.0 PHY)

  • ~.data – Bi-directional data bus, driven low by the Link during idle. Bus ownership is determined by dir. The Link and PHY initiate data transfers by driving a non-zero pattern onto the data bus. LPI defines interface timing for single-edge data transfers with respect to rising edge of clock. An implementation may optionally define double-edge data transfers with respect to both rising and falling edges of clock.

  • ~.dir – Direction. Controls the direction of the data bus. When the PHY has data to transfer to the Link, it drives dir high to take ownership of the bus. When the PHY has no data to transfer it drives dir low and monitors the bus for Link activity. The PHY pulls dir high whenever the interface cannot accept data from the Link. For example, when the internal PHY PLL is not stable.

  • ~.stp – Stop. The Link asserts this signal for 1 clock cycle to stop the data stream currently on the bus. If the Link is sending data to the PHY, stp indicates the last byte of data was on the bus in the previous cycle. If the PHY is sending data to the Link, stp forces the PHY to end its transfer, de-assert dir and relinquish control of the the data bus to the Link. (In the tx stp=1 is asserted after last word, data with stp=1 and after are interpreted as idle (until dir changes).)

  • ~.nxt – Next. The PHY asserts this signal to throttle the data. When the Link is sending data to the PHY, nxt indicates when the current byte has been accepted by the PHY. The Link places the next byte on the data bus in the following clock cycle. When the PHY is sending data to the Link, nxt indicates when a new byte is available for the Link to consume. (In the rx nxt=0 means the transaction is paused and rx_cmd word is send instead of data.)

HDL params
  • DATA_WIDTH - default value 8 of type int

class DIR[source]

Bases: object


if dir == PHY the data flows to PHY

PHY = 1
_initSimAgent(sim: HdlSimulator)[source]

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi_agent module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi_agent.UlpiAgent(sim: HdlSimulator, intf: Ulpi, allowNoReset=False)[source]

Bases: SyncAgentBase

Agent for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi.Ulpi interface. It allows for receiving and transmitting raw data over ULPI, it does not implement USB stack.


the RX is always from PHY to Link, the TX is always from Link to PHY


in link->phy nxt works as a handshake ready and stp as handshake valid_n and data is data.o

:note in phy->link nxt works as a handshake valid (but when set to 0 rx_cmd is send instead of data)

and the stp works as handshake ready_n, if stp is set to 1 the transmission of whole packet is interrupted.

__init__(sim: HdlSimulator, intf: Ulpi, allowNoReset=False)[source]

rst – tuple (rst signal, rst_negated flag)


Drive ULPI interface as a PHY (and host) does


  • data.t (should be 0 in rx and turnaround else mask(8))

  • data.o (only in tx, 1st byt is cmd, rest is data)

  • stp (1 for 1 clk after last word in tx)


  • data.i (None in tx, else depending on nxt)

  • dir

  • nxt (0 if tx should stall or rx is stalled and sending rxd cmd instead)


Emulate behavior of the link (and device)


  • data.i

  • dir

  • nxt


  • data.t

  • data.o

  • stp

parse_RX_CMD(ulpi_data: int)[source]

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi_usb_agent module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi_usb_agent.UlpiUsbAgent(sim: HdlSimulator, intf: Ulpi, allowNoReset=False)[source]

Bases: UlpiAgent

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi_agent.UlpiAgent with device host logic and USB stack

__init__(sim: HdlSimulator, intf: Ulpi, allowNoReset=False)[source]

rst – tuple (rst signal, rst_negated flag)


Drive ULPI interface as a PHY (and host) does


  • data.t (should be 0 in rx and turnaround else mask(8))

  • data.o (only in tx, 1st byt is cmd, rest is data)

  • stp (1 for 1 clk after last word in tx)


  • data.i (None in tx, else depending on nxt)

  • dir

  • nxt (0 if tx should stall or rx is stalled and sending rxd cmd instead)


Called before simulation to collect all drivers of interfaces from this agent


Called before simulation to collect all monitors of interfaces from this agent


Emulate behavior of the link (and device)


  • data.i

  • dir

  • nxt


  • data.t

  • data.o

  • stp

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi_usb_agent.UlpiUsbDevProcAgent(rx: Deque[Union[UsbPacketToken, UsbPacketData]], tx: Deque[Union[UsbPacketToken, UsbPacketData]], descriptors: UsbDescriptorBundle)[source]

Bases: UsbDevAgent

deparse_packet(p: Union[UsbPacketToken, UsbPacketData, UsbPacketHandshake])[source]

Called to convert the packet from types supported by this class before putting into tx/rx queue

parse_packet(p: Deque[int])[source]

Called to convert the packet from tx/rx queues to types supported by this class

parse_packet_pid_and_bytes(pid: int, p: Deque[int])[source]
class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi_usb_agent.UlpiUsbHostProcAgent(rx: Deque[Union[UsbPacketToken, UsbPacketData, UsbPacketHandshake]], tx: Deque[Union[UsbPacketToken, UsbPacketData, UsbPacketHandshake]])[source]

Bases: UtmiUsbHostProcAgent

A simulation agent for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.ulpi.Ulpi interface with the functionality of the host.

deparse_packet(p: Union[UsbPacketToken, UsbPacketData, UsbPacketHandshake])[source]

Called to convert the packet from types supported by this class before putting into tx/rx queue

parse_packet(p: Deque[int])[source]

Called to convert the packet from tx/rx queues to types supported by this class

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi.Utmi_8b(masterDir=DIRECTION.OUT, hdl_name: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, loadConfig=True)[source]

Bases: Interface

UTMI+ (USB 2.0 Transceiver Macrocell Interace) Level 3, 8b variant only

https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/technical-specifications/usb2-transceiver-macrocell-interface-specification.pdf http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/00002142A.pdf

class LINE_STATE_BIT[source]

Bases: object

DM = 1
DP = 0
class OP_MODE[source]

Bases: object

class TERM_SELECT[source]

Bases: object

FS = 1
HS = 0
class XCVR_SELECT[source]

Bases: object

FS = 1
HS = 0
_initSimAgent(sim: HdlSimulator)[source]
class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi.Utmi_8b_rx(masterDir=DIRECTION.OUT, hdl_name: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, loadConfig=True)[source]

Bases: VldSynced

HDL params
  • DATA_WIDTH - default value 8 of type int

_initSimAgent(sim: HdlSimulator)[source]
class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi.Utmi_8b_tx(masterDir=DIRECTION.OUT, hdl_name: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, loadConfig=True)[source]

Bases: Handshaked

HDL params
  • DATA_WIDTH - default value 8 of type int

_initSimAgent(sim: HdlSimulator)[source]

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_agent module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_agent.Utmi_8bAgent(sim: HdlSimulator, intf: Utmi_8b)[source]

Bases: AgentBase

Simulation agent for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi.Utmi_8b interface.

__init__(sim: HdlSimulator, intf: Utmi_8b)[source]

Implement this method to drive your interface in simulation/verification


Called before simulation to collect all drivers of interfaces from this agent


Called before simulation to collect all monitors of interfaces from this agent


Implement this method to monitor your interface in simulation/verification

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_agent.Utmi_8b_rxAgent(sim: HdlSimulator, intf: Utmi_8b_rx, allowNoReset=False)[source]

Bases: SyncAgentBase

Simulation agent for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi.Utmi_8b_rx interface.


“active” signal acts as a valid, “valid” signal acts as a mask


data – Deque[Deque[Tuple[int, int]]] (internal deque represents packets, tuple represents data, error)

__init__(sim: HdlSimulator, intf: Utmi_8b_rx, allowNoReset=False)[source]

rst – tuple (rst signal, rst_negated flag)


Implement this method to drive your interface in simulation/verification


Implement this method to monitor your interface in simulation/verification

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_agent.Utmi_8b_txAgent(sim: HdlSimulator, intf, allowNoReset=False)[source]

Bases: SyncAgentBase

Simulation agent for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi.Utmi_8b_tx interface.


data – Deque[Deque[int]] (internal deque represents packets)

__init__(sim: HdlSimulator, intf, allowNoReset=False)[source]

rst – tuple (rst signal, rst_negated flag)


Implement this method to drive your interface in simulation/verification


Implement this method to monitor your interface in simulation/verification

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_to_ulpi module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_to_ulpi.Utmi_to_Ulpi(hdl_name_override: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Unit

The ULPI is an interface which reduces the number of signals for UTMI+ interface. This reduction is done using a register file which drives signals which are not used and bi-directional wiring. This component does translation of ULPI to UTMI+ by keeping copy of UTMI+ registers and synchronizing the changes and it also handles the drive of the bi-directional wires.

Based on https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ultraembedded/core_ulpi_wrapper/3c202963ac4b4ae50cadb44ce79c11463d3c6484/src_v/ulpi_wrapper.v

static parse_RX_CMD(ulpi_data, utmi_linestate_q, utmi_interrupt_q, utmi_rxactive_q, utmi_rxerror_q)[source]
ulpi_turnaround_detect(ulpi_dir: RtlSignal)[source]

hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_usb_agent module

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_usb_agent.UtmiUsbAgent(sim: HdlSimulator, intf: Utmi_8bAgent, allowNoReset=False)[source]

Bases: Utmi_8bAgent, SyncAgentBase

:class:` hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_agent.Utmi_8bAgent` with device host logic and USB stack

__init__(sim: HdlSimulator, intf: Utmi_8bAgent, allowNoReset=False)[source]

rst – tuple (rst signal, rst_negated flag)


Implement this method to drive your interface in simulation/verification


Called before simulation to collect all drivers of interfaces from this agent


Called before simulation to collect all monitors of interfaces from this agent


Implement this method to monitor your interface in simulation/verification

class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_usb_agent.UtmiUsbDevProcAgent(rx: Deque[Union[UsbPacketToken, UsbPacketData]], tx: Deque[Union[UsbPacketToken, UsbPacketData]], descriptors: UsbDescriptorBundle)[source]

Bases: UsbDevAgent


Called to convert the packet from types supported by this class before putting into tx/rx queue


Called to convert the packet from tx/rx queues to types supported by this class

parse_packet_pid_and_bytes(pid: int, p: Deque[int])[source]
class hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_usb_agent.UtmiUsbHostProcAgent(rx: Deque[Union[UsbPacketToken, UsbPacketData, UsbPacketHandshake]], tx: Deque[Union[UsbPacketToken, UsbPacketData, UsbPacketHandshake]])[source]

Bases: UsbHostAgent

A simulation agent for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi.Utmi_8b interface with the functionality of the host.

deparse_packet(p: Union[UsbPacketToken, UsbPacketData, UsbPacketHandshake])[source]

Called to convert the packet from types supported by this class before putting into tx/rx queue

parse_packet(p: Deque[int])[source]

Called to convert the packet from tx/rx queues to types supported by this class

parse_packet_pid_and_bytes(pid: int, p: Deque[int])[source]
usb_packet_token_t = struct {     <Bits, 4bits> pid     <Bits, 4bits> pid_inv     <Bits, 7bits> addr     <Bits, 4bits> endp     <Bits, 5bits> crc5 }