Source code for hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi

from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import BIT, BIT_N
from hwt.hdl.types.struct import HStruct
from hwt.interfaces.std import VectSignal, Signal, Handshaked, VldSynced
from hwt.interfaces.structIntf import HdlType_to_Interface
from hwt.synthesizer.interface import Interface
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwtSimApi.hdlSimulator import HdlSimulator
from ipCorePackager.constants import DIRECTION

[docs]class Utmi_8b_rx(VldSynced): """ :attention: The "active" signal marks for the presense of some data. It has to be asserted 1 before valid is set. And it has to be 1 whenewer the "vld" signal is 1. Because of this the "active" signal behaves as a valid in :class:`hwt.interfaces.std.VldSynced` interface and "vld" signal behaves as a mask. :note: The drop to 0 on "active" signal marks for the end of packet. .. figure:: ./_static/utmi_rx.png .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(8) def _declr(self): = VectSignal(self.DATA_WIDTH) self.valid = Signal() # end of packet is recognized by active going low = Signal() self.error = Signal()
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self, sim: HdlSimulator): from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_agent import Utmi_8b_rxAgent self._ag = Utmi_8b_rxAgent(sim, self)
[docs]class Utmi_8b_tx(Handshaked): """ :note: Same signals as handshaked interface, but the protocol is slightly different .. figure:: ./_static/utmi_tx.png .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): Handshaked._config(self) self.DATA_WIDTH = 8
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self, sim: HdlSimulator): from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_agent import Utmi_8b_txAgent self._ag = Utmi_8b_txAgent(sim, self)
utmi_function_control_t = HStruct( (Bits(2), "XcvrSelect"), (BIT, "TermSelect"), (Bits(2), "OpMode"), (BIT, "Reset"), (BIT_N, "SuspendM"), (BIT, None), ) utmi_interface_control_t = HStruct( (BIT, "FsLsSerialMode_6pin"), (BIT, "FsLsSerialMode_3pin"), (BIT, "CarkitMode"), (BIT_N, "ClockSuspendM"), (BIT, "AutoResume"), (BIT, "IndicatorComplement"), (BIT, "IndicatorPassThru"), (BIT, "InterfaceProtectDisable"), ) utmi_otg_control_t = HStruct( (BIT, "IdPullup"), (BIT, "DpPulldown"), (BIT, "DmPulldown"), (BIT, "DischrgVbus"), (BIT, "ChrgVbus"), (BIT, "DrvVbus"), (BIT, "DrvVbusExternal"), (BIT, "UseExternalVbusIndicator"), ) utmi_interrupt_t = HStruct( (BIT, "HostDisconnect"), (BIT, "VbusValid"), (BIT, "SessValid"), (BIT, "SessEnd"), (BIT, "IdGnd"), (Bits(3), None), )
[docs]class Utmi_8b(Interface): """ UTMI+ (USB 2.0 Transceiver Macrocell Interace) Level 3, 8b variant only .. hwt-autodoc:: """
[docs] class XCVR_SELECT(): HS = 0 FS = 1
[docs] class TERM_SELECT(): HS = 0 FS = 1
# 0b11 is reserved
[docs] class LINE_STATE_BIT(): DP = 0 # data + pin DM = 1 # data - pin
def _declr(self): self.LineState = VectSignal(2) self.function_control = HdlType_to_Interface().apply(utmi_function_control_t, masterDir=DIRECTION.IN) self.otg_control = HdlType_to_Interface().apply(utmi_otg_control_t, masterDir=DIRECTION.IN) self.interrupt = HdlType_to_Interface().apply(utmi_interrupt_t) # end of packet is signalized by tx.vld going low, the tx.rd is 0 in idle and tx.vld has to be asserted 1 firts self.tx = Utmi_8b_tx(masterDir=DIRECTION.IN) self.rx = Utmi_8b_rx() for c in [self.rx, self.tx]: c.DATA_WIDTH = 8
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self, sim:HdlSimulator): from hwtLib.peripheral.usb.usb2.utmi_agent import Utmi_8bAgent self._ag = Utmi_8bAgent(sim, self)