Source code for hwtLib.structManipulators.cLinkedListWriter

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from hwt.code import If, Concat, FsmBuilder
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.enum import HEnum
from hwt.interfaces.std import Handshaked, RegCntrl
from hwt.interfaces.utils import addClkRstn, propagateClkRstn
from hwt.math import log2ceil
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from hwt.synthesizer.vectorUtils import fitTo
from hwtLib.amba.datapump.intf import AxiRDatapumpIntf, AxiWDatapumpIntf
from hwtLib.handshaked.fifo import HandshakedFifo
from hwtLib.handshaked.streamNode import StreamNode
from pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils import mask

[docs]class CLinkedListWriter(Unit): """ This unit writes items to (circular) linked list like structure (List does not necessary need to be circular but space is specified by two pointers like in circular queue) .. code-block:: c struct node { item_t items[ITEMS_IN_BLOCK], struct node * next; }; synchronization is obtained by rdPtr/wrPtr (tail/head) pointer baseAddr is address of actual node :attention: device writes chunks of max size <= BUFFER_CAPACITY/2 :attention: next addr is downloaded on background when items are uploaded (= has to be set when this unit enters this block) :note: wrPtr == rdPtr => queue is empty and there is (2^PTR_WIDTH) - 1 of empty space wrPtr == rdPtr+1 => queue is full wrPtr+1 == rdPtr => there is (2^PTR_WIDTH) - 2 of empty space spaceToWrite = rdPtr - wrPtr - 1 (with uint16_t) .. hwt-autodoc:: """ def _config(self): self.ID_WIDTH = Param(4) # id on interfaces for default transaction self.ID = Param(3) self.BUFFER_CAPACITY = Param(32) self.ITEMS_IN_BLOCK = Param(4096 // 8 - 1) self.ADDR_WIDTH = Param(32) self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(64) self.PTR_WIDTH = Param(16) # timeout to send items from buffer even if they are smaller # than recomended burst self.TIMEOUT = Param(4096) def _declr(self): addClkRstn(self) with self._paramsShared(): # read interface for datapump # interface which sending requests to download addr of next block self.rDatapump = AxiRDatapumpIntf()._m() # because we are downloading only addres of next block self.rDatapump.MAX_LEN = 1 # write interface for datapump self.wDatapump = AxiWDatapumpIntf()._m() self.wDatapump.MAX_LEN = self.BUFFER_CAPACITY // 2 assert self.BUFFER_CAPACITY <= self.ITEMS_IN_BLOCK # interface for items which should be written into list self.dataIn = Handshaked() # interface to control internal register a = self.baseAddr = RegCntrl() a.DATA_WIDTH = self.ADDR_WIDTH self.rdPtr = RegCntrl() self.wrPtr = RegCntrl() for ptr in [self.rdPtr, self.wrPtr]: ptr.DATA_WIDTH = self.PTR_WIDTH f = self.dataFifo = HandshakedFifo(Handshaked) f.EXPORT_SIZE = True f.DATA_WIDTH = self.DATA_WIDTH f.DEPTH = self.BUFFER_CAPACITY self.ALIGN_BITS = log2ceil(self.DATA_WIDTH // 8)
[docs] def addrToIndex(self, addr): return addr[:self.ALIGN_BITS]
[docs] def indexToAddr(self, indx): return Concat(indx, Bits(self.ALIGN_BITS).from_py(0))
[docs] def rReqHandler(self, baseIndex, doReq): # always download only one word with address of next block rReq = self.rDatapump.req rReq.addr(self.indexToAddr(baseIndex + self.ITEMS_IN_BLOCK)) rReq.len(0) rReq.rem(0) rReq.vld(doReq)
[docs] def baseAddrLogic(self, nextBlockTransition_in): """ Logic for downloading address of next block :param nextBlockTransition_in: signal which means that baseIndex should be changed to nextBaseIndex if nextBaseAddrReady is not high this signal has no effect (= regular handshake) :return: (baseIndex, nextBaseIndex, nextBaseReady is ready and nextBlockTransition_in can be used) """ r = self._reg rIn = self.rDatapump.r rReq = self.rDatapump.req addr_index_t = Bits(self.ADDR_WIDTH - self.ALIGN_BITS) baseIndex = r("baseIndex_backup", addr_index_t) nextBaseIndex = r("nextBaseIndex", addr_index_t) t = HEnum("nextBaseFsm_t", ["uninitialized", "required", "pending", "prepared"]) isNextBaseAddr = rIn.valid & nextBaseFsm = FsmBuilder(self, t, "baseAddrLogic_fsm")\ .Trans(t.uninitialized, (self.baseAddr.dout.vld, t.required) ).Trans(t.required, (rReq.rd, t.pending) ).Trans(t.pending, (isNextBaseAddr, t.prepared) ).Trans(t.prepared, (nextBlockTransition_in, t.required) ).stateReg If(self.baseAddr.dout.vld, baseIndex(self.addrToIndex(, ).Elif(nextBlockTransition_in, baseIndex(nextBaseIndex) ) self.baseAddr.din(self.indexToAddr(baseIndex)) If(isNextBaseAddr, nextBaseIndex(self.addrToIndex(fitTo(, rReq.addr))) ) rIn.ready(1) self.rReqHandler(baseIndex, nextBaseFsm._eq(t.required)) nextBaseReady = nextBaseFsm._eq(t.prepared) return baseIndex, nextBaseIndex, nextBaseReady
[docs] def timeoutHandler(self, rst, incr): timeoutCntr = self._reg("timeoutCntr", Bits(log2ceil(self.TIMEOUT) + 1, signed=False), def_val=self.TIMEOUT) If(rst, timeoutCntr(self.TIMEOUT) ).Elif((timeoutCntr != 0) & incr, timeoutCntr(timeoutCntr - 1) ) return timeoutCntr._eq(0)
[docs] def queuePtrLogic(self, wrPtrIncrVal, wrPtrIncrEn): r, s = self._reg, self._sig ringSpace_t = Bits(self.PTR_WIDTH) # Logic of tail/head, rdPtr = r("rdPtr", ringSpace_t, def_val=0) wrPtr = r("wrPtr", ringSpace_t, def_val=(2 ** self.PTR_WIDTH) - 1) If(self.wrPtr.dout.vld, wrPtr( ).Elif(wrPtrIncrEn, wrPtr(wrPtr + wrPtrIncrVal) ) If(self.rdPtr.dout.vld, rdPtr( ) self.wrPtr.din(wrPtr) self.rdPtr.din(rdPtr) lenByPtrs = s("lenByPtrs", ringSpace_t) lenByPtrs(rdPtr - wrPtr - 2) # size - 1 # this means items are present in memory queueHasSpace = (wrPtr + 1 != rdPtr) return queueHasSpace, lenByPtrs
[docs] def wReqDriver(self, en, baseIndex, lenByPtrs, inBlockRemain): s = self._sig wReq = self.wDatapump.req BURST_LEN = self.BUFFER_CAPACITY // 2 - 1 inBlockRemain_asPtrSize = fitTo(inBlockRemain, lenByPtrs) # wReq driver ringSpace_t = Bits(self.PTR_WIDTH) constraingLen = s("constraingSpace", ringSpace_t) If(inBlockRemain_asPtrSize < lenByPtrs, constraingLen(inBlockRemain_asPtrSize) ).Else( constraingLen(lenByPtrs) ) reqLen = s("reqLen", wReq.len._dtype) If(constraingLen > BURST_LEN, reqLen(BURST_LEN) ).Else( reqLen(constraingLen, fit=True) ) wReq.addr(self.indexToAddr(baseIndex)) wReq.rem(0) wReq.len(reqLen) wReq.vld(en) return reqLen
[docs] def mvDataToW(self, prepareEn, dataMoveEn, reqLen, inBlockRemain, nextBlockTransition_out, dataCntr_out): f = self.dataFifo.dataOut w = self.wDatapump.w nextBlockTransition = self._sig("mvDataToW_nextBlockTransition") nextBlockTransition(inBlockRemain <= fitTo(reqLen, inBlockRemain) + 1) If(prepareEn, dataCntr_out(fitTo(reqLen, dataCntr_out)), If(nextBlockTransition_out, inBlockRemain(self.ITEMS_IN_BLOCK) ).Else( inBlockRemain(inBlockRemain - (fitTo(reqLen, inBlockRemain) + 1)) ) ).Elif(dataMoveEn, If(StreamNode(masters=[f], slaves=[w]).ack(), dataCntr_out(dataCntr_out - 1) ) ) StreamNode(masters=[f], slaves=[w]).sync(dataMoveEn) w.last(dataCntr_out._eq(0)) w.strb(mask(w.strb._dtype.bit_length())) self.dataFifo.dataIn(self.dataIn) nextBlockTransition_out(nextBlockTransition & prepareEn)
[docs] def itemUploadLogic(self, baseIndex, nextBaseIndex, nextBaseReady, nextBlockTransition_out): r, s = self._reg, self._sig f = self.dataFifo w = self.wDatapump BURST_LEN = self.BUFFER_CAPACITY // 2 bufferHasData = s("bufferHasData") bufferHasData(f.size > (BURST_LEN - 1)) # we are counting base next addr as item as well addr_index_t = Bits(self.ADDR_WIDTH - self.ALIGN_BITS) baseIndex = r("baseIndex", addr_index_t) dataCntr_t = Bits(log2ceil(BURST_LEN + 1), signed=False) # counter of uploading data dataCntr = r("dataCntr", dataCntr_t, def_val=0) reqLen_backup = r("reqLen_backup", w.req.len._dtype, def_val=0) gotWriteAck = w.ack.vld & queueHasSpace, lenByPtrs = self.queuePtrLogic( fitTo(reqLen_backup, self.wrPtr.din) + 1, gotWriteAck) timeout = s("timeout") fsm_t = HEnum("itemUploadingFsm_t", ["idle", "reqPending", "dataPending_prepare", "dataPending_send", "waitForAck"]) fsm = FsmBuilder(self, fsm_t, "itemUploadLogic_fsm")\ .Trans(fsm_t.idle, (timeout | (bufferHasData & queueHasSpace), fsm_t.reqPending) ).Trans(fsm_t.reqPending, (w.req.rd, fsm_t.dataPending_prepare) ).Trans(fsm_t.dataPending_prepare, fsm_t.dataPending_send ).Trans(fsm_t.dataPending_send, ((~nextBlockTransition_out | nextBaseReady) & dataCntr._eq(0), fsm_t.waitForAck) ).Trans(fsm_t.waitForAck, (gotWriteAck, fsm_t.idle) ).stateReg timeout(self.timeoutHandler(fsm != fsm_t.idle, (f.size != 0) & queueHasSpace)) inBlock_t = Bits(log2ceil(self.ITEMS_IN_BLOCK + 1)) inBlockRemain = r("inBlockRemain_reg", inBlock_t, def_val=self.ITEMS_IN_BLOCK) wReqEn = fsm._eq(fsm_t.reqPending) reqLen = self.wReqDriver(wReqEn, baseIndex, lenByPtrs, inBlockRemain) If(wReqEn & w.req.rd, reqLen_backup(reqLen) ) dataMoveEn = fsm._eq(fsm_t.dataPending_send) prepareEn = fsm._eq(fsm_t.dataPending_prepare) self.mvDataToW(prepareEn, dataMoveEn, reqLen_backup, inBlockRemain, nextBlockTransition_out, dataCntr) If(self.baseAddr.dout.vld, baseIndex(self.addrToIndex(, ).Elif(prepareEn, baseIndex(baseIndex + fitTo(reqLen_backup, baseIndex) + 1) ).Elif(nextBlockTransition_out, baseIndex(nextBaseIndex) ) w.ack.rd(fsm._eq(fsm_t.waitForAck))
def _impl(self): propagateClkRstn(self) nextBlockTransition = self._sig("nextBlockTransition") baseIndex, nextBaseIndex, nextBaseReady = self.baseAddrLogic( nextBlockTransition) self.itemUploadLogic(baseIndex, nextBaseIndex, nextBaseReady, nextBlockTransition)
if __name__ == "__main__": from hwt.synthesizer.utils import to_rtl_str u = CLinkedListWriter() u.BUFFER_CAPACITY = 8 u.ITEMS_IN_BLOCK = 31 u.PTR_WIDTH = 8 print(to_rtl_str(u))