Source code for hwtLib.abstract.discoverAddressSpace

from hwt.hdl.assignment import Assignment
from hwt.hdl.operator import Operator
from hwt.hdl.operatorDefs import AllOps, isEventDependentOp
from hwt.hdl.portItem import PortItem
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases import UnitBase
from hwtLib.abstract.busEndpoint import BusEndpoint

[docs]def getEpSignal(sig, op): """ :param sig: main signal :param op: operator on this signal :return: signal modified by this operator or none if this operator is creating new datapath """ # we do not follow results of indexing like something[sig] if op.operator == AllOps.INDEX: if op.operands[0] is not sig: return if op.operator not in [AllOps.INDEX, AllOps.ADD, AllOps.SUB, AllOps.MUL, AllOps.DIV, AllOps.CONCAT]: return if sig in op.operands: return op.result
[docs]def getParentUnit(sig): try: intf = sig._interface except AttributeError: return # if there is no interface it cant have parent unit while not isinstance(intf._parent, UnitBase): intf = intf._parent return intf._parent
[docs]class AddressSpaceProbe(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, topIntf, getMainSigFn, offset=0): """ :param topIntf: interface on which should discovery start :param getMainSigFn: function which gets the main signal form interface which should this code care about usually address """ self.topIntf = topIntf self.getMainSigFn = getMainSigFn self.offset = offset self.seen = set([None, ]) self.discovered = self._discoverAddressSpace(self.topIntf, self.offset)
[docs] def _extractStruct(self, converter, offset): t = converter.STRUCT_TEMPLATE for transTmpl in converter._bramPortMapped: # some arrays can have items with internal structure memberT = self._discoverAddressSpace( converter.getPort(transTmpl), offset) if memberT is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Nested address space") return t
[docs] def walkToConverter(self, mainSig): """ walk mainSig down to endpoints and search for any bus converter instance """ if mainSig in self.seen: return self.seen.add(mainSig) parent = getParentUnit(mainSig) if isinstance(parent, BusEndpoint) and parent not in self.seen: self.seen.add(parent) yield parent for e in mainSig.endpoints: if isinstance(e, Operator) and not isEventDependentOp(e): ep = getEpSignal(mainSig, e) yield from self.walkToConverter(ep) elif isinstance(e, (Assignment, PortItem)): yield from self.walkToConverter(e.dst) else: for outp in e._outputs: yield from self.walkToConverter(outp)
[docs] def _discoverAddressSpace(self, topIntf, offset): _mainSig = self.getMainSigFn(topIntf) try: mainSig = _mainSig._sig except AttributeError: mainSig = _mainSig._sigInside t = None for converter in self.walkToConverter(mainSig): # addrMap = self._extractAddressMap(converter, offset) if t is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Hierarchical endpoints") t = self._extractStruct(converter, offset) return t