Source code for hwtLib.amba.axi3Lite

from typing import List

from hwt.hdl.constants import DIRECTION, INTF_DIRECTION
from hwt.hdl.entity import Entity
from hwt.interfaces.std import VectSignal
from hwt.serializer.ip_packager.interfaces.intfConfig import IntfConfig
from hwt.simulator.agentBase import AgentBase
from hwt.synthesizer.interface import Interface
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.unitImplHelpers import getSignalName
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwtLib.amba.axi_intf_common import AxiMap, Axi_hs
from hwtLib.amba.sim.agentCommon import BaseAxiAgent

[docs]class Axi3Lite_addr(Axi_hs):
[docs] def _config(self): self.ADDR_WIDTH = Param(32)
[docs] def _declr(self): self.addr = VectSignal(self.ADDR_WIDTH) Axi_hs._declr(self)
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self): self._ag = Axi3Lite_addrAgent(self)
[docs]class Axi3Lite_addrAgent(BaseAxiAgent): """ :ivar data: iterable of addr """
[docs] def doRead(self, s): return
[docs] def doWrite(self, s, data): s.write(data, self.intf.addr)
[docs]class Axi3Lite_r(Axi_hs):
[docs] def _config(self): self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(64)
[docs] def _declr(self): = VectSignal(self.DATA_WIDTH) self.resp = VectSignal(2) Axi_hs._declr(self)
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self): self._ag = AxiLite_rAgent(self)
[docs]class AxiLite_rAgent(BaseAxiAgent): """ :ivar data: iterable of tuples (data, resp) """
[docs] def doRead(self, s): r = intf = self.intf return (r(, r(intf.resp))
[docs] def doWrite(self, s, data): intf = self.intf w = s.write if data is None: data = [None for _ in range(2)] data, resp = data w(data, w(resp, intf.resp)
[docs]class Axi3Lite_w(Axi_hs):
[docs] def _config(self): self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(64)
[docs] def _declr(self): = VectSignal(self.DATA_WIDTH) self.strb = VectSignal(self.DATA_WIDTH // 8) Axi_hs._declr(self)
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self): self._ag = Axi3Lite_wAgent(self)
[docs]class Axi3Lite_wAgent(BaseAxiAgent): """ :ivar data: iterable of tuples (data, strb) """
[docs] def doRead(self, s): intf = self.intf r = return (r(, r(intf.strb))
[docs] def doWrite(self, s, data): intf = self.intf w = s.write if data is None: w(None, w(None, intf.strb) else: data, strb = data w(data, w(strb, intf.strb)
[docs]class Axi3Lite_b(Axi_hs):
[docs] def _declr(self): self.resp = VectSignal(2) Axi_hs._declr(self)
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self): self._ag = Axi3Lite_bAgent(self)
[docs]class Axi3Lite_bAgent(BaseAxiAgent): """ :ivar data: iterable of resp """
[docs] def doRead(self, s): return
[docs] def doWrite(self, s, data): s.write(data, self.intf.resp)
[docs]class Axi3Lite(Interface):
[docs] def _config(self): self.ADDR_WIDTH = Param(32) self.DATA_WIDTH = Param(64)
[docs] def _declr(self): with self._paramsShared(): = Axi3Lite_addr() = Axi3Lite_addr() self.w = Axi3Lite_w() self.r = Axi3Lite_r(masterDir=DIRECTION.IN) self.b = Axi3Lite_b(masterDir=DIRECTION.IN)
[docs] def _getIpCoreIntfClass(self): return IP_Axi3Lite
[docs] def _initSimAgent(self): self._ag = Axi3LiteAgent(self)
[docs] def _getWordAddrStep(self): """ :return: size of one word in unit of address """ return int(self.DATA_WIDTH) // self._getAddrStep()
[docs] def _getAddrStep(self): """ :return: how many bits is one unit of address (f.e. 8 bits for char * pointer, 36 for 36 bit bram) """ return 8
[docs]class Axi3LiteAgent(AgentBase): """ Composite simulation agent with agent for every axi channel change of enable is propagated to each child data for each agent is stored in agent for given channel (ar, aw, r, ... property) """
[docs] def __init__(self, intf): self.__enable = True self.intf = intf def ag(intf): intf._initSimAgent() agent = intf._ag return agent = ag( = ag( self.r = ag(intf.r) self.w = ag(intf.w) self.b = ag(intf.b)
[docs] def getEnable(self): return self.__enable
[docs] def setEnable(self, en, sim): if self.__enable != en: self.__enable = en for o in [,, self.r, self.w, self.b]: o.setEnable(en, sim)
[docs] def getDrivers(self): return ( + + self.w.getDrivers() + self.r.getMonitors() + self.b.getMonitors() )
[docs] def getMonitors(self): return ( + + self.w.getMonitors() + self.r.getDrivers() + self.b.getDrivers() )
[docs]class IP_Axi3Lite(IntfConfig):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() = "aximm" # quartus 17.10 does not have axi3lite self.quartus_name = "axi4lite" self.version = "1.0" self.vendor = "" self.library = "interface" a_sigs = ['addr', 'valid', 'ready'] = {'aw': AxiMap('aw', a_sigs), 'w': AxiMap('w', ['data', 'strb', 'valid', 'ready']), 'ar': AxiMap('ar', a_sigs), 'r': AxiMap('r', ['data', 'resp', 'valid', 'ready']), 'b': AxiMap('b', ['valid', 'ready', 'resp']) }
[docs] def get_quartus_map(self): if self.quartus_map is None: self.quartus_map = self._toLowerCase( return IntfConfig.get_quartus_map(self)
[docs] def _toLowerCase(self, d): if isinstance(d, dict): new_d = {} for k, v in d.items(): new_d[k.lower()] = self._toLowerCase(v) return new_d else: return d.lower()
[docs] def asQuartusTcl(self, buff: List[str], version: str, component, entity: Entity, allInterfaces: List[Interface], thisIf: Interface): IntfConfig.asQuartusTcl(self, buff, version, component, entity, allInterfaces, thisIf) name = getSignalName(thisIf) if thisIf._direction == INTF_DIRECTION.MASTER: self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "readIssuingCapability", 1) self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "writeIssuingCapability", 1) self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "combinedIssuingCapability", 1) else: self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "readAcceptanceCapability", 1) self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "writeAcceptanceCapability", 1) self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "combinedAcceptanceCapability", 1) self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "readDataReorderingDepth", 1) self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "bridgesToMaster", "")
[docs] def postProcess(self, component, entity, allInterfaces, thisIf): self.endianness = "little" self.addWidthParam(thisIf, "ADDR_WIDTH", thisIf.ADDR_WIDTH) self.addWidthParam(thisIf, "DATA_WIDTH", thisIf.DATA_WIDTH) self.addSimpleParam(thisIf, "PROTOCOL", "AXI4LITE") self.addSimpleParam(thisIf, "READ_WRITE_MODE", "READ_WRITE")